Chapter 1

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It's been more than a week since the nation was in panic and the population had relatively calmed down as the days went by. But even with life going back to normal for the most part, their observation satellites still wasn't working. They were still offline and some even believed that they was never going to work again. But these were just thoughts as no one knew what was wrong with them which was why, the air force had started a recon mission in the north and south and had so far found nothing.

The claims that they were alone was starting to come true but their hope wasn't lost just yet. By the orders of the president two carrier strike groups was to be sent out in the west of Hawaii and was tasked to find any signs or clues of someone out there. If they was to find a nation that they knew, they were to immediately establish communications with them. But if this nation was unknown they were to simply watch them from afar.

Some thought this whole idea of another country out there was stupid and the conspiracy theorist out there should shut it. But they were surprised that the government had made plans if this was to happen. Of this was to happen to beg didn't want nothing to do with these countries if they found them no matter how advanced they could be.

They simply didn't see the need to have relations with an unknown civilization without knowing their strength, people, culture, and ethics. They felt that is was a recipe for disaster if they trusted a country they didn't even know.

It was why they were planning to spy in them if they did find any unknown countries. But first they needed to find them which was why two strike groups were formed.

One strike group was consisted of two supercarriers, twelve destroyers, two cruisers, a logistics ship, three supply ships, and three submarines that was spread right under them. It was a force to be reckoned with as jets were routinely being sent off to scout ahead of their path.

Some would say this was a little much for a recon mission. But no one knew what was out there and they wasn't going to take any chances. Not to mention that if they were to somehow meet up with some unknown nation, they sure as hell wasn't going to look weak.

Currently on the bridge of one of the carriers, rear admiral Zachery E. Thomas was looking over the flight deck as another batch of pilots got ready to fly off. The screams of their engines sounded out as more came up on a elevator.

It was very busy on the flight deck and it wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Once one squadron was coming back to land another was being be sent out in a constant motion that didn't seem to end. The only time the flight deck seemed to be calm was at night when only half the pilots would be allowed to fly. Even though they could do a night time patrol with numerous pilots in the air, it didn't mean they had too.

They had been navigating for days and they still hadn't found anything. No signs of land. No ships. Not even planes in the sky. It was just their ships and jets that were on radar. This was the same results that they were getting for days and the other task force that was miles away from them was not getting anything as well.

Countries that should have been at least near them was no where to be found and some of the sailors were even secretly making bets if they would find anything. She didn't really care since they wouldn't have to hear about politics or some country they would have to watch out for.

Zachery who was no exactly in a good mood was seen looking over multiple maps and equipment with his officers as they were making sure of something.

"Are they sure they don't see anything out there?" Zachery says to one of his officers that was beside him.

"Yes. They're positive that they see nothing. Just clear skies and waters out there." An officer says to him.

Putting a hand under his chin he looks at the map of what should be their coordinates with a frown.

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