Love sick: Thunderstorm (republished)

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Imma just out my old story right here if anyone wants to read or wonder where it went.

She thought everyone would be asleep at night, a good time to plan her escape, but as unlucky as she is, this one was the first person she prayed not to face. Even if it was a silent night, the silhouette of her presents was her only disadvantage so it's quite obvious how he had caught her.
  The man that was straight up her face was definitely different from the rest, his mood wasn't to the above like the rest of the other boys she saw. His eyes crimson shows an infinite sense of rage inside, even if she tried to calm herself down in front of her captive, it was impossible comparing his large figure with hers. The way he stared down at her like she's some fragile prey, already marked as his the moment their eyes met. The silence was thickening and it wasn't helping when they were skin close to each other until the predator made his moves.

  "My bunny, give me a good reason why I shouldn't tear you down bits to pieces right now."

  His tone was as threatening as his words, Yaya could feel her hands shivering of fear but decided to brush it off, knowing he'd already felt them.

"I-I was getting a midnight snack, i do apologize to give such a reaction, you scared me that's all." Spoked in a pleasant yet a slight hint of terror is in her which she planned it to clear the suspensions of her panic towards him. 

She was this far already, even if it means there's a chance she might fail and has to deal with the most unstable element that's standing tall in front of her, ready to subdue her at any time.

This however, infuriated Thunder even more than so. Her words are reasonable and understanding but it just sounded wrong to him, like a simple lies and Thunder hates liars. Normal people settle things with words but Thunder believes actions speak better than words, he already knows hurting Yaya is the rule.

It wasn't hard before he thought of an idea that doesn't break the rules, licking his lips hungrily. Yaya who saw everything, confused but something in her told her to run but before she could object, Thunder scooped her onto his shout like some kind of sack.

  "You're lying and if you don't spill it, I'll make sure you'll have a memorable time me~"

A lie is a lie in which everyone who can have pride and stubbornness, somewhat does not admit to their mistakes even how little it is and which Yaya was one of them. Thunder knew, after all those seven years of stalking her wasn't for nothing.

"Eh?? But I'm not, why would I lie to you and could you put me down!"

She protested in a slight false annoyance to keep up her act which only caused the man, who's carrying her back to her room to smile a bit knowing she'd just had accepted his invitation to his special version of torture just for his innocent bunny.

"Quake gave me the authority to interrogate anyone suspicious in this house, therefore, get ready."

"Ready??? But I haven't done anything nor did I lie!" She wanted to make a move on him before he brought her somewhere else but stopped when she caught a sight of his free hand with a slight red spark lighting on his palm. Remember that he manipulates the thunder, so he could electrocute her even if she ran away.

High or low voltage levels are easily handled like eating a cake so she shutted her mouth and accepted the unknown fate bestowed on her.

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