"Liam?" - SodaPack

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Hey ya'll! So sorry this took so long, i thought this would give me motivation but it just took more of it -0- this has Angst, but enjoy :D

Requested by: cessangel9

Also credits to Leanzz for the art at the top!
"Man, i'm so glad you forced me to help with this. Now we probably have a chance to finally save everyone and end ONE."

Liam smiled, happy that his efforts didn't go to waste. They continued talking about the contest and brainstorming ways to stop it. A waiter approached them and inquired for their order. They both ordered something simple, coffee, to help them have energy to continue this exhausting chase for Airy.
After the waiter left their table, they both resumed their conversation. Bryce talked more, spilling all of his plans and words that popped up in his mind. Unbeknownst to him, Liam just stared out the huge window beside them, starting to daydream. It took quite a bit before Bryce noticed this. "Liam- you there?" He asked, waving his hand in front of him. "Huh? Oh yeah! Yeah.. i'm here." Answered Liam, still having his conscious someplace else. "Are you okay? You seem a little.. tense?" Queried Bryce worriedly. Liam just smiled and gave a simple reply, hiding a frown behind his back. He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Bryce noticed that he had visible bags under his eyes, wondering why he looked so tired. Liam always seemed to be going to bed earlier, usually latest by 10- they don't even wake up that early too. Bryce asked about it, but got the same answer as the previous question. He just accepted it and continued his previous chat with him.

They, more of Bryce, chatted for a little bit before they spotted the waiter heading their way.
"Here are your coffees! Enjoy!" The waiter came and placed two fresh cups of coffee on their table. Liam lazily reached for his cup as the waiter left. This was unlike Liam, not even that long ago he seemed happy. And now? It's like a whole new mood controlled him! Attempting to disregard this and save questions for another time, Bryce also grabbed his coffee and took small sips. Unexpectedly, Liam just gulped the whole thing down. "Wh- Liam? Did you just drink the whole thing in one go?" Asked Bryce in confusion and astonishment. "Sure did, Bryce." "Man, i swear you are not okay!" Joked Bryce. "Yeah.. not okay." Muttered Liam. He stretched and yawned, continuing the previously cut conversation. Bryce was completely dumbfounded at this point, it's like Liam can't even stick to one mood! He sighed and went with the flow.

"Hey Liam, i'm going to buy some stuff at the grocery store next door, head to the car first, here are the keys. DON'T lose it." Liam nodded and they parted ways. After reaching the car, Liam hopped in. "Hey guys! Welcome back!" an AI voice spoke. It was none other than Texty. "Wait, where's Bryce?" Asked Texty. "He went to get some stuff at the grocery store i guess" Told Liam as he shut the door and waited patiently for Bryce's return. Texty and Liam chatted while doing so. After a few minutes, Bryce greeted them after returning with a plastic bag of things. Bryce got in and drove while Liam sat near Texty. The car was silent, one of a first as Liam's chatter always seemed to fill the dull atmosphere. Trying to cover the awkward silence, Bryce turned on some music. Shortly after, he started singing along. Liam heard this and was a tad bit concern- Bryce seemed really happy out of the ordinary, but Liam enjoyed hearing his voice. It was beautiful to him. He enjoyed the view outside the car window in the chilling backseat with the soothing cold air. Bryce's singing was like a peaceful lullaby, good enough to make someone fall asleep. Accompanied by the comforting view, Liam went off into a small doze.

"Damn, he seems tired. What did you guys do just now?" Asked Texty. "Oh, we just drank coffee, honestly surprised he even fell asleep. He's always so energetic, but recently i've been noticing that he has seemed more tired. And he has bags under his eyes." Spoke Bryce, taking a quick glance at the sleeping backpack behind him. "Why so? Doesn't he always sleep early?" Questioned Texty, probably as confused as Bryce. "That's the thing, he has, so i'm wondering what's up with him," he sighed and rolled down his window for some quick fresh air. "Well, maybe you should check up on him to make sure he's actually sleeping, you know his green ass is mischevious, like that one time he stole your car and rammed it into-" "DON'T remind me of that." Scoffed Bryce. Texty typed out a long long laugh before they apologised quickly after. "Imagine getting coffee at 12pm" "shut up." Bryce then rolled his window back up and continued the now quiet journey home.

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