[1] A Promise To Be Remembered

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I heard my alarm going off as I wearily drifted into consciousness. I slowly reached for the clock and pressed a few buttons, but it wouldn't turn off. I angrily slammed my fist onto it, hearing the beeping finally subdue as it crumbled into small pieces.

I begrudgingly slid out of the covers, leaving my bed in a messy state. I could clean it up later, probably after school. I reached into my closet and grabbed what I was going to wear today. It was back-to-school day... great. Also the day I would choose my roommates, which I guess could be fun. I know Lightbulb wanted to be roommates, so I just had to find 2 more people.

I finished getting dressed and stalked downstairs, my blond hair draped over my shoulders sloppily. I never really bothered to put it up or do anything with it. I thought it looked presentable enough, and Lightbulb liked it.

I headed downstairs and walked into the kitchen, opening the fridge and grabbing some leftovers from the night before. There was a lot of it left, seeing as I lived alone and usually made too much. My dad left me and my mother at an early age, and my mom died when I was young. I never had any siblings, and if I did, I never knew them.

I grabbed a brown paper bag and shoved the plastic container in, not putting anything else to accompany it. I would be fine. I reached for the half-empty bottle of orange juice that had been shoved in the corner of my fridge and grabbed a small glass, pouring myself a cup of the beverage. I sipped the juice, picking up my backpack, which had been lazily thrown across the room, and slipping on my shoes. I opened the door and started for the bus stop, which was only a few blocks away.

As I walked, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't turn around, as I knew who it would be.

"Hi, Painty!" A voice exclaimed, jumping on me from behind and giving me a big hug. This caused me to spill my juice, but luckily none got on me. I didn't want to have to deal with that. "Good morning, Lightbulb," I said flatly, stopping as she got off of my back.

We had been friends for a while, and most people thought it was confusing how well we got along. Lightbulb was the sun, and I was the moon: She was always upbeat, social, and never let anything get to her, while I was cold and reserved. We were like Yin and Yang— no, not the other students, the actual symbol.

I looked at my cup, which was now empty, and tossed it, smashing it with my foot against the sidewalk. "Did you sleep well?" Lightbulb asked, reaching for my hand and dragging me along with her as we walked. I shrugged. "Like I usually do: which is not sleeping at all." She squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Well, when we get to our dorms, I'll help you sleep! I'll be your personal night-light!" She joked, pressing a button on her bracelet that made some bits of her jewelry light up. I allowed a smile to appear on my face as she laughed at her own joke. Goofy, funny Lightbulb— someone I could never compare to. I was surprised that she was still my friend after all of these years, especially with how often I got mad at the smallest things.

We continued to the bus stop, still hand-in-hand as Lightbulb blabbered away about whatever she could think of. We reached the bus stop and sat down at the bench. Lightbulb leaned her head on my shoulder, and I could feel myself grow hot from embarrassment.

"Is something wrong?" I looked down at Lightbulb, whose head was turned up to face me. "I'm fine," I said, clenching my free hand in an attempt to regain my composure.

She continued to lay by me as we chatted idly, waiting for the bus to arrive. "Is there anyone you want to be our roommate?" She asked, playing with the ends of my hair. "Let me see if anyone in my contacts catches my eye," I said, opening my phone. I tapped the screen, looking through the different people who just sat in my phone, usually never messaging me unless they needed help with schoolwork.

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