[3] Dinner Among Friends

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I stared at them skeptically, not moving. They tilted their head at me curiously. I chose not to say anything, instead increasing my pace in an attempt to move away from them.

"Don't run away from me..."

I continued to run forward, tugging my collar further over my face as I moved away from them.

"It's inevitable..."

I continued to sprint until I made it home, sprinting inside and slamming the door shut. I took a few deep breaths before slumping to the ground anxiously.

Maybe making that deal with Fan wasn't as bad of an idea as I thought it was.

I slid my stuff across the floor as I picked up my phone and got up wobbly, using the wall to balance myself as I staggered up the staircase and into my bedroom. As I reached my room, I flopped down on my bed, letting the white pillowcases absorb any fresh blood. I sat in silence for a few moments before I felt my phone buzz. I picked it up, clicking it open and taking a look at the notification. It was a message from Lightbulb.

LB: Where r u?

I stared at the message for a few moments before replying, not sure of whether I should tell her or not.

PB: head injury is bad. went home early

LB: Noo D: do you think you'll be back tmrw?

PB: yeah. just gotta rest for now lmao

LB: Go do that!! Call me later!!

I smiled as I clicked my phone off, sighing and sitting up properly in an attempt to think straight. I set my phone down on the sheets and slid down from the bed, lurking over to the exit and walking into my bathroom. I took a look at myself before grabbing a wrap of bandages, gingerly curling them around half of my forehead. The blood was quickly absorbed, staining the wrap a deep red. Yikes. I added another spiral of cloth around it, turning away from my mirror in an attempt to not see how badly it was looking. I quickly headed back to my room, picking up my phone, and then racing downstairs. I looked through my fridge, viewing the collection of ingredients I had. Seeing as I would be moving out tomorrow, I figured it would be fun to invite a few people from school over for dinner. I picked a few things out and gazed at my selection.

Would this really be enough for multiple people? I exhaled nervously. When I was younger, I remember watching my mom cook all the time. When she passed, I organized every single cookbook she had... Which was a lot of them. Over the past few years, I've occasionally looked through the books, wanting to take up my mother's former hobby. Hopefully, my cooking will be good enough for everybody. I picked up my phone, which was set down on the counter, and dialed Lightbulb's number.

Ring... ring... ring...

"Painty!" Lightbulb's voice chirped. I smiled. "Heya Lighty!" I said, organizing the ingredients I had pulled out of my fridge as we spoke. "Would you want to come over for dinner tonight?" I asked, tripping over my feet as I carried the large tin of flour. She paused. "But... you're injured..." She started.

"Shh! I'm fine!" I retorted, setting the tin down and heading over to the counter again. "Well, I guess I can come by tonight," Lightbulb finally said. I pumped my fist in the air, excited. "Awesome!" I quipped, turning my oven on to preheat. "Could you invite Test Tube and Fan? I don't have their numbers," I said, filling up a few cups of water and setting them to the side. "Sure thing." She replied. "I'll go get ready now!"

I didn't have time to reply with anything before Lightbulb hung up. I sighed and opened up the first cookbook, which I had bookmarked a few pages in.

Well, it's time to start cooking.


I took the final meal out of the oven, setting them on my table in an organized manner. I set out some silverware, flicking a drop of sweat off of my forehead. I thought of what was next for a few moments... I have to get ready.

I quickly rushed upstairs and into my room, opening my closet. I rummaged through what I had hung up on the hangers until I found the nicest thing I could. A white polo with a tie hung up next to it, as well as some dressy pants. I grabbed my leather jacket, thinking it could look nice. I hurried into my bathroom, picking up my comb and brushing my hair straight. I finished, setting my comb back down and staring at myself in the mirror. I looked presentable enough. The only thing that was off was the bandage wrapped around my face. It was fine, though. It would take a while to heal anyways. I hurried back downstairs, making sure everything was in order. As I was looking at it, I heard a few raps on my door.

"We're here!" A voice called out. I hurried over, pulling the door open.

"Yay!" Lightbulb chirped. She ran over and hugged me, spinning me around in a circle. My face grew red as she spun me around more. "You saw me a few hours ago!" I said, a bit flustered. "I know, but I missed you! The day was so boring without you!" Lightbulb stopped, resting her hands on my shoulders. I finally got a good look at what she was wearing. She was dressed in a long, white dress decorated with light blue accents. Her hair was tied up in a braid, which fell down her back. I smiled softly. "Well, I'll be back later... maybe tomorrow," I said, and she pulled me closer for a hug. I kneeled down so we could be face-to-face, wrapping my arms around her tightly

"You scared me, Painty," She whispered, her voice quivering slightly. "I told you to get out of his seat... I knew it would be bad!" She said, tightening her grip on me. My face continued to heat up as she pulled me closer, playing with the end of my hair as she did. "I won't scare you like that anymore," I told her, the phrase almost inaudible.

"I don't mean to interrupt the moment, but we should probably sit down." Test Tube pointed out rather quietly. I turned around to face her. She was dressed in a large sweater with large pants that dropped down to below her ankles. Fan, on the other hand, was dressed in a suit with a red tie with yellow stripes wrapped around his neck. Was I underdressed? I didn't know, nor could I tell. I didn't really care all that much. I let go of Lightbulb, making the first move and grabbing Lightbulb's hand. I smiled at her, and her cheeks were tickled pink. "Lets go sit down!" I said, pulling Lightbulb behind me. I sat down on one side of the table, Lightbulb sitting down next to me. Fan sat across from me, Test Tube wearily following and sitting down by him. "I hope you enjoy my cooking," I started sheepishly, shrugging as I spoke. "I haven't cooked in a while..."

Lightbulb picked up her fork, mouth watering at all of the food. The table was set with steak, salad, bread rolls of varying types, and some more foods of varying types. She stabbed a roll with her fork, biting into it. "They're so buttery!" She exclaimed, looking pleased. "That's not even the main part!" I laughed, cutting a portion of the steak and sliding it onto my plate. I picked up my fork, nibbling on it as the rest of the group ate. We chatted idly before everyone went silent. We sat for a bit, nobody saying anything. I felt someone grab my hand. I took a quick peek, seeing that Lightbulb had grabbed my hand out of the blue. I bit back a wave of embarrassment as she squeezed my hand. Lightbulb turned to me, smiling warmly. "Thank you for inviting us over, Painty," she chirped.

I smiled, nodding. "Any time! I'm always open to making dinner for you-"

Test Tube coughed.

"-all." I added hesitantly.

"Well, let's have a toast!" Lightbulb exclaimed, grabbing my hand and yanking me up as she stood.

"To what though?" Fan asked quizzically.

"To Painty and their amazing dinner!" She smiled.

Fan and Test Tube nodded, standing up.

"Well, I'd like to thank Paintbrush for this outstanding meal," Lightbulb started, "and to also being my very very best friend!"

She pumped her free hand in the air, spraying a few droplets of water around. I flinched, but giggled.

Fan and Test Tube raised their glasses, smiling too.


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