[2] Early

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"You guys took a while," Lightbulb quipped as we re-entered the room. I chuckled a bit. "Sorry about that. Fan accidentally sprayed his face with water at the water fountain,"

Fan opened his mouth to object, but closed it immediately, probably figuring that it would be best to not expose our plan to anyone.

I sat back down and Lightbulb scribbled a few words on a piece of paper.

What did you guys talk about?

I shook my head and slid the paper back silently, turning to face the teacher. My mind was racing, and I really didn't listen to anything she said. It was art, anyways, what use would it be in the future?

Did Fan have ulterior motives? Or was he actually curious about this mystery person? I tapped my fingers against the desk, biting my lip.

"Are you alright, Painty?" Lightbulb asked, wrapping her arm around me. I nodded. "Just tired."

I heard the bell ring and I got up quickly, picking up my stuff and racing out of the room before Lightbulb could grab my hand. I hurried to my locker and unlocked it, quickly shoving my stuff inside and slamming it shut.

I started for the bathroom when I felt a tug on my wrist. "Go away." I said, rather quietly as I tried to move forward more. "What are you doing?" Lightbulb asked, still holding onto my wrist but moving to face me. "You can't be late for the next class."

I kept my gaze pointed in front of me, not wanting to look at her. "I just need to use the restroom," I said.

"That's a lie," Lightbulb said, raising an eyebrow. I exhaled. "Just let me go, I need fresh air."

"No, we're going to second period." She said, tightening her grip on my wrist and dragging me along. "We don't even have second period together," I said.

"How do you know?" She retorted. "Remember when we asked for the same schedule when you switched here as a last-minute-resort type of thing?"

Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that.

I sighed. "I forgot about that, to be honest," I replied, shrugging as she continued to drag me along. "What do we even have next?"

"Homeroom. We're choosing roommates, so I'll ask if we can just have a dorm to ourselves," Lightbulb said cheerfully.

"So it would be fine if I was late, right?" I stated, putting my free hand on my hip.

"I'm not letting you embarrass yourself on our first day, idiot." She said, changing her grip from my wrist to my hand.

"Fine." I said begrudgingly, letting her drag me along.

We reached the classroom and looked at the small sheet of paper taped up to the whiteboard to see where we sat. I sat at the back of the room, and Lightbulb sat in the front, close to the teacher's desk. I guess it was nice that I sat next to Test Tube, though. Lightbulb let go of my hand and patted my shoulder. "You'll be fine. Fan says Test Tube is nice, so don't worry!"

I nodded but kept my expression neutral. "Thanks, I guess," I murmured before heading off. I avoided Test Tube's gaze as I sat down, resting my head on the table.

"I saw you running out of the art room when the bell rang," Test Tube started, placing her hand on the edge of my desk. "What was that about?"

"It's none of your business," I grumbled, burying my head in my arms.

"Fan told me what you guys talked about, so if you're worried about helping us then no need to hide it." She started, picking up a pencil and a piece of paper. "I'm glad you at least negotiated with Fan. I can't help him and Lightbulb would spill our plans so quickly."

[DISCONTINUED] The World We Live InWhere stories live. Discover now