Yin and jin x any gender read

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Credits to beauleifu from tumblr<3

-  It's totally their idea, and they're so excited because they've honestly never had a proper sleepover with anyone. Sleepovers in general are a foreign concept. On the inside they're ecstatic, jumping all over the place and over the moon for you. On the outside, they're able to maintain like 50% of their composure.

-  First off, Yin and Jin have a weakness for forts. What better to do than built a blanket fort? You'd use the living room, even having to bring some of your own blankets to accommodate for the actual blueprints these guys have created for the fort. Go big or go home, but they wouldn't let you go home so you're going big.

-  Once the fort is built you all stuff it with blankets and your signature pillows. Yin and Jin fight over who gets to sleep next to you until you just vote to sleep in the middle.

-Honestly that's probably the fastest they've ever agreed to something.

-  Yin is the cook for tonight, so he decides to make an original batch of noodles. Honestly, they're not that bad, and you help by adding a few spices and stirring the noodles. (he's a sucker for puns so I can imagine him making a bunch of food-related jokes)

"Whaddya say to the birthday kid who's favorite dish is noodle soup?"

"Yin, no, this is the fourth time-"

"Happy brothday!"

-  Jin is the king of movies. He'll decide what movie you all can watch as everyone sits down to eat dinner. He's a considerate guy at the best of times, so he picked out a variety of movies to accommodate for the fact that he doesn't know your preference.

-  So you both sit down for awhile, figuring out a good movie to watch.  You're well aware of Jin's tendency towards action movies.  It's actually adorable.

-  After everything is set and the movie is playing, you all dig in to the soup. It's a rare occurrence, but Jin actually compliments the chef(s) for the spectacular cooking. (This may just be because you helped, but who cares? Not Yin, who definitely takes all the credit to boost his ego)

-  The blanket fort is your next destination when the movie's finished.

-  Everyone's got a full belly and is a bit tired, but the second you enter the fort, chaos ensues.

-  It's impossible to pinpoint the instigator, but one thing is for sure. Some way or another a pillow is flying at your face, and you promptly vanish into the void of blankets and other pillows.


-  Had the choice of weapons been something more deadly rather than simple pillows, you would've died.

-  Seriously, your demon idiots can whip a pillow so hard it's simply a blur and you have 0 time to dodge. Sure, you've got your own pillows, but they're mainly to cushion the occasional onslaught from Yin and Jin. You honestly stand no chance against these guys.

-  They'd go off about the other hitting you too hard (which in your opinion, all the hits were very hard), and proceed to attack the culprit.

-  You'd just stand in the background, trying to seem as non-threatening as possible, as the demons fling pillow after pillow at each other. At some point, a few pillows explode, sending feathers and fluff everywhere. But they don't stop there.

-  Eventually you have to put your foot down. It's like 11:30 p.m. and these boys are gonna destroy the fort if you don't do something.

"Okay, okay- MMPH-!"

A burst of feathers and white suddenly hit you.

"Ohshit." Jin quickly hides the now empty pillow behind his back. He'd accidentally shut you up with a pillow across your face, and luckily, the blankets behind you cocoon your fall. "Sorry, mate. Didn't see ya there."

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