Macaque x any gender reader

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Credit goes to cheesecakezyum😋

♡- Things have been strange. Well, stranger than usual when one of your closest friends was a demon.

♡- And at first you couldn't seem to put your finger on it! Others had mentioned it, but you just hadn't seemed to come up with a viable conclusion to your concerns.

♡- I like to think that despite them having more humanistic ways of living, manners etc– Both demons still have suppressed, more on the feral side type of urges despite how long they've adapted to civilization or not. It's something that they can't help, ingrained in their programming from the start. When it comes to finding a potential mate and courting them, this would definitely be included.

♡- It takes Macaque a genuinely long time for him to realize he has feelings for you in the first place. I mean– dude has serious commitment/trust issues.

♡- Even being his friend took outstanding patience. You always told him he was worth it though, which would result in the usual roll of his eyes with a passive grin.

♡- He really doesn't believe he's pining for you until it's too late to go back. Although reading others is terribly easy for him, he's blind to feelings of his own at times. It would just– click for him one night when he realizes you've been in his mind much more than usual. And it's just


♡- Courting is new to him, no doubt. Although you weren't the first person to have caught his eye you were the first person he's wanted to take seriously in who knows how long. I mean, He cares about you! He wasn't going to say that things were smooth from your first few interactions, but now he genuinely wonders how he's lived so long without someone like you– right by his side.

♡- So he's willing to try! His attempts rely solely on instincts, but his goals are showing you how great of a mate he'd be!

♡- The first thing you take notice of is how often he's been grooming you. Usually you volunteered to detangle his fur when it became matted; Or just weave your fingers through his hair while the two of you rested.

♡- Usually he'd take any chance he'd get to tease. Pass a compliment, flirt– anything that might get a rise out of you. But he just seems so out of it whenever he's close to you. Lost in thought.

♡- Most likely it's because he's still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he's very much into you. Like, really? Why now and not ever before? It just didn't make sense to him whatsoever.

♡- While you never had seemed to mind, sometimes he tried to pick through your hair way more than usual. His nails would sometimes brush against your scalp, and hurt from the repetitive motions. And whenever you mentioned it while he was in the process, it's like he's practically in a daze! Concentration beyond belief, to where it takes him a bit to snap out of his thoughts and quickly brush it off and tell you to continue whatever you were working on/distracted with before.

♡-He loves holding you, being held by you, touching you, you touching him. Just– gods. Cuddles were mandatory on days when one of or both of you were just tired of shit altogether, platonically. Although, that was before these feelings for you surfaced.

♡- What was different on that part was the excessive rubbing. Like, rubbing his face alongside yours, your neck, shoulders. Not only does it tickle, but sometimes it can get a bit uncomfy when all he's doing is moving around when you just want to relax.

♡- You never knew the reasoning for his actions and hadn't asked.

♡- You have to admit the purring feels nice though!

♡- Once you had asked him if it had good benefits similar to how a cat's purrs promote healing; His expression was priceless.

♡- Your final straw was when you told him you were gonna bring some food so the two of you could spend one of your free days off binging some show which had piqued your interest a while ago. But when you had opened the doors of the dojo you were just met with–

♡- A nest. What had seemed like a nest? You couldn't honestly tell. It had really been a circle of blankets wrapped around each other.

"What... Is that?"

Seemingly having been caught in the act of still preparing it, his eyes went back and forth from you and the mess of blankets on the floor.

He was frozen in place as he tried to think of an excuse for his actions.

"Uh. Ah– A place to eat? Got a bit bored of our usual spot." Smooth.

♡- There was a long period of silence as the two of you watched the show from your computer. Besides the thumping of his tail on the wooden floors and the low volume of the show which was being played, It took about 3 episodes before you ultimately spoke up.

"What's been up with you?"


"I mean, like– in general. You've been... different?" It was the best way you could've possibly explained.

You paused the show. It could wait as you explained all of the changes surrounding him and his behavior. And he just responded as simply as ever, like it was obvious to anyone.

"Oh. Courting you."

♡- He never really hid it from you, in all honesty. Just kinda thought you got the hint. And you had to give him that– you never rejected any of his advances.

♡- The rest of the night was spent having a very long talk about the differences between courting a human and a demon. || Thought this was cute to post😊964 word||

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