Reasons why you shouldn't fall in love-II

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Only fools fall in love.

It can make you do crazy things because you are not making logical decisions. & the most important part is there's nothing you can do about this.

Hello I'm Arthit, the God of reason. My themes are logic, reasoning, learning and the conscious mind. My symbols are a crown of oak leaves (representing the seat of the divine).
I dispense the power of knowledge to those who only seek for me.

Falling in love is not my thing but there's always an exception I guess. Kong, the God of love. He is my exception. The feeling I have for him started even before I realized it. I believe his heart arrows has nothing to do with my feelings for him.

Kong is the most beautiful , charming & the sweetest being I have ever seen.

The moment I see him looking at pool which shows the activities of all humans & he doing his enchanting works on them, I don't feel gloomy as before anymore. He beams my whole day with his aura.

I walked closer to him & almost bumped my shoulder with him intentionally. Still he is too engaged in his own. I looked at his face, we are standing pretty close & I feel my heart smiling. I wanna be close to him like this always.

I just don't get it why he doesn't notice me? Like I maybe not the most handsome being in Heaven but I'm not that bad too. There is this urge of me always to make him look at me. I try my best to have his attention on me when I'm close to him atleast however I feel like it isn't really working. So I started to annoy him, irritate him that's kinda working. He does look at me but not the way I look at him. I look at the pool again & there's this sudden jealousy in me that though I'm standing just beside him his attention is all directed onto those Stupid humans.

I looked at my hand & the mischievous self of me telling me to ruin that sweet confession of those two poor things. I used my power on them & put some senses back into that guy who was about to confess, there's very less chances that his feelings will be reciprocated. Being a nervous wreck the guy also back off, I smirked to myself.

"Stupid humans" I mumbled lowly.

"ARTHIT!! NOT AGAIN!!" He groaned & I chuckled to myself.

"Arthit!!! Why did you made him change his mind??! He was about to confess! I waited for this moment for years." He said angrily. Oh my how cute he looks when his cheeks puffed up when he is angry.

"Tsk tsk They're stupid they fell in love. I just you know did my work." I replied nonchalantly.

"Why are you even here? I was working This isn't your workplace." He said cutely glaring at me.

"I was going to work then... then I remembered today's off day. I was wondering around when I saw you so, I just came here." I shrugged saying.

"Who are you kidding Arthit? Your work place is pretty far from here."

"I said I was wondering around. I've nothing to do." Ufff! Why am I behaving like those stupid humans? I came to see him what is wrong with it?

"SO THOUGHT TO DO ME? I mean ummm ruin my work" He tried his best not to crack his serious tone but Hahaha that's so funny.

I smirked at him saying, "Do you? Yeah I love to do that you know. Humans are fool they fell in love, I'm the God of Reason you know I need to put some senses in their mind ."

"You just said you're off to work today."

"Whatever" I said shrugging while turned to leave.

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