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There are 5 stages of love-

1- falling in love: as scary or daunting it may be it is the most easiest thing to do, just one look, one word, one breath and your done for, fallen into the depths of love and adoration for another. and as much as we love love we hate love for being so easy to fall into.

2- realising: now realising your in love is not as easy you push the thought so far into your mind that really its all you think about, weird right, go on tell me i'm wrong. cause no matter how much you avoid it, prolong it and all round ignore it, love creeps up on you like your shadow tormenting you, teasing you until you wake up one day and realise. i guess it really is that easy.

3- dealing: dealing with love is the hardest part, love becomes the only thing you can think about, they say love heals and love is scary but good, when in reality love blindsides you, makes you feel like your on the top of the world it becomes such a heavy feeling its the only thing you can deal with, the only thing you care about? loving that person, only thing you can think about? loving that person, the reason you're happy and okay? loving.that.person. its a never ending cycle that destroys everything around you. now if you were to ask me this before this story takes place id tell you what everyone else does, that its a beautiful thing and something to forever cherish. but im not that same person.

4- doubt: doubt is inevitable, especially in the context of love, the thoughts that haunt you "is it really love" "is this all worth it" "im scared". in the end love causes us to overthink but depending on how you escape it, really determines the answers to those thoughts.

5- falling out of love: now im going to be completely honest you never fully fall out of love, when you love someone you struggle, thrive and change for them, when you love someone it never goes away, like i said falling into love is the easiest thing but falling out of love is impossible no matter if you think you hate them apart of you will forever love them and thats what really hurts, so i dont believe in falling out of love cause i havent and until i do falling out of love is a hoax to make us feel better.

Hey guys this is my new story i hope you enjoy this chapter is a way of introducing this story by leaving you guessing ig? i dunno just go with me, but i hope i can keep consistent with updates and hopefully this pans our how i expect it too, i dont know if i want to make this OC G!P so let me know and tell me some names for the OC, alr bye. 

overthink // Ariana grandeWhere stories live. Discover now