Chapter 1

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August 17 1996

Fifteen girls train in sync, under the watchful eye of the cameras. Two of them exceed greatly. One with red shoulder length hair and the other with platinum blonde hair tied up in a tight bun.

"Their form is excellent" one of the 'watchers' speaks from the camera room.

"Take the two of them to the next level"

"Yes, ma'am"

"You'll break them"

"Only the breakable ones"

October 20 1997

Fifteen year old Emma Rose, is taken to a Hydra base in Syberia, where she'll be trained for two more years, to execute every possible thing there is.

"This is where you will be staying from now on" a man dressed in camouflage and a red slope cap speaks, guiding the girl to a dirty cell-like room.

The girl doesn't speak, just remain blank-faced and enters the room.

"You'll have three meals a day, so long as you cooperate."

The guard says before closing the cell.

April 2 1999

Emma goes on her first mission with Слдат (Soldier)
Their mission is to kill a rogue Hydra agent, by the name of William Smith.

Within two hours the mission is complete and they are heading back to base.

"Who are you?" Emma speaks to Слдат for the first time.

"Они называют меня «Зимним солдатом». (They call me the Winter Soldier)

That was the first time Emma heard his voice.

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