Chapter 2

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Present Day

I've been here for ten years, I'm now twenty five years old. Soldat is gone, has been for about three years now.

"Get up" a guard voices, banging a Butane on the metal bars of my cell.

I obey and stand up, patiently waiting for the man to unlock my cell, and take me wherever I'm to be.

The dark haired man slowly unlocks my cell and takes my arm, leading me to the room, where soldat's pained screams used to echo from every so often.

"Sit" the guard orders.

I do as I'm told and sit on the cold leather chair.

A man by the name of Alexander Pierce walks into the room on currently housed in.

The reddish blonde haired man grabs a chair and places it in front of me, before sitting down.

"You have a mission" he states.

I look at him for a few seconds before giving him a firm nod.

"Wipe her" he orders.

My eyes widen a bit, not enough for anyone to notice, but they do.

Two men dressed in white jump suits, step forward each placing a hand one of my shoulders, pushing me to sit back.

One of the men places a thick ribber, mouth guard in my mouth, while the other turns on the big machine behind me.

Gracefully, the machine turns on and starts moving around my head before attaching itself to my head and the side of my face.

Electricity, courses through my skin in harsh shocks.

My muffled screams echo the room, Alexander just continues on, not bothered by my pained hollars.

After what felt like days of wiping, but was really only minutes, it was done.

"Get her ready" a guard who entered the room says.

Two people a man and a woman enters the room through double doors and takes me to the weapons and changing room.

They sit out my suit as well as my weapons, then leave the room.

Quickly I change into the clothes set out for me and place my weapons on my body, before exiting the room.

"Ready?" A Hydra agent asks, stepping into sync with me.

I give him a firm nod and head out to the helicopter that's waiting for us at the helipad.

I climb in with the agent behind me and sit in the leather seat, buckled in and place the headset on my head.

A few minutes later we took off fromn Sybrea to America.

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