How It Starts

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          I've been hunting since I was 16; since my parents died. I've seen shit no one could forget, no amount of liquor can help you forget. I'm 22 now and along my career as a hunter, I've met a lot of other interesting hunters. None as interesting as these two pain in the ass brothers. Dean, the older brother, is as smart-ass as they come but he makes laugh. Sam on the other hand, is more serious but I've seen him open up to Dean, not so much to me. I've been apart of their "team" ever since they saved me from being posessed about a year ago. I was very surprised they let me tag along, but I think they saw potential in me? But I've been living, hunting, and learning from them and Bobby. Bobby is basically my dad now, or at least it feels that way to me. He's not very open with feelings.
           We just got done with a case and this one had everyone shook. I made the stupid mistake of letting my heart get in the way of my head and almost got myself killed. Bobby and the boys got to me just in time. We made it back to the motel room where Bobby fixed me up.

*second person pov*


          "Is she up yet?" asked Sam as he paced back and forth wearing a trail into the carpet. "Not yet kid, give her some time. That beast took a lot out of her, she needs rest." explained Bobby. Sam exhaled deeply and clenched his jaw tight. "Bobby's right Sammy, you gotta give her time." reasured Dean as he got up to place his hands on Sam's shoulders to try and calm him. Sam moved away from his brother's touch as if annoyed at what he was saying. For some reason Sam was really upset that Liv (reader) wasn't up yet. It's been a few hours since Liv has been out and no wonder. Bobby was pretty sure she had a concusion along with a ton of scrapes and bruises. It's about two o'clock in the morning and Sam can't sleep. He's too worried about Liv so he gets up and checks on her in the other room.

*Liv's pov*

              I vagely wake up to the sound of my door creaking open. I hear Sam naisly whisper my name. "yeah?" I whisper back. "Oh sorry, I-I didn't know if you were up." I could sense he was worried so I invited him in. "I'm okay Sam." "I know, I was just... making sure." Sam sat down on the edge of my bed facing away from me. Kind of hiding his face. I slowly sat up. My oversized T-shirt grazing my perked up nipples as I straighten my back. "Sam? What's wrong?" He turns his ear to me, takes a deep breath, clenches his jaw and speaks. Slowly and quietly. "Liv...I know it's our job to fight these things and I've....we've been through a lot and have seen a lot, but nothing made me feel even close to this as today. I thought..." I sat up more to hear him better, my heart ached at his words. "I thought I was gonna lose you. And I can't. I can't lose you." I started softly, "Sam... I'm okay. It was my own fault, I shouldn't of..." Sam turns around to face me quickly and angrly corrects me. " I shouldn't have let it happen! I was right there!" He takes a deep breath and a little quieter says, "I was right there Liv, I could have stopped him." He looks down at the blankets realizing his volume startled me a bit. I slide over the covers to get closer to him. All the heat from under my blanket cacoon rushes away and I feel the coolness of the air hit my thighs. I'm wearing nothing but my oversized T and black lacey panties. He sees the fullness of my thighs slide toward him but he doesn't look away. We are side to side now. I can feel his hitched, hot breath on me. No one said anything but the look we gave eachother was calming. Silently saying 'I know, I'm sorry' to eachother.


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