The Next Part

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          The next morning I wake up, a stream of sun light blinding me from the cracked window curtain. I get up and hop into my flared blue jeans. Take off my night time t-shirt and toss it on the messed up bed. I search my duffle bag for a bra and pull out my matching black lacey D cups. I put it on and fasten it closed and bend back over to find a clean shirt. Just then, the joing rooms door flings open and it's Dean; he stopped saying whatever it was he was saying when I popped up surprised in my jeans and bra. His eyes are emidetly drawn to my tits and smirks and looks back up to see my face. He realized he just bardged in and said "Don't stop on my ocassion sweetheart." "DEAN! Get out!" He closes the door and I sigh frusturatingly. I put on my old, worn in ACDC t-shirt, shoes, and walk into the boy's room.
          "I liked the other outfit better Liv." piped up Dean as he winked at me and knodded. I just roll my eyes. Bobby walks in from outside, probably packing the cars up. "Liv?! You okay kiddo? How you feelin?" "I'm okay Bobby. Don't worry." He smiled, his eyes twinkling in the sunlight. He genuinley looked happy that I was okay. He continued to grab bags to bring out to the trunk. I didn't see Sam in the room. I figured he was outside already. I threw my bag over my shoulder and closed the motel door behind me. I followed the boys in my car to where ever they decided to stop to get breakfast. Bobby lead, then the boys, then me.

*second person pov*

             Dean is driving his baby and Sam is in the passenger seat. Sam keeps looking out the window with his eyebrows furrowed obviously thinking deep about something. Dean does a double take. "Sammy. What's on your mind?"
"Nothing Dean. Forget it." Dean raises his eyebrows. "Really? There's nothing you might wanna share with the class? This won't have anything to do with last night would it?" Sam turned his head to face Dean wondering how he knew. "Come on Sammy, I know you. I can see how messed up you are over Liv getting hurt."
"Damnit Dean, I don't want to talk about it." Dean looked left out the window and then back at the road. "You don't want to face the facts that you're smittin with her, fine." And Dean left it at that. They eventually make it to a small town diner and order and start looking for their next job. Dean sat on the inside of the booth, then Sam and Liv and Bobby on the other side.

*Liv's pov*

          I order my usual blueberry pancakes that I get at any breakfast joint and start reading the paper. I keep finding myself looking up over the corner of my paper at Sam quickly reading articles on his laptop. I keep thinking about what he said last night. How it felt. I think he has feelings for me and I for him. But I'll be damned if I admit that out loud. As I'm staring at him I realize how cute he is as he reads. His lips slightly move to the words but no sound comes out. I smirk and I guess he could feel I was looking and our eyes meet. I panic and quickly look down and clear my throat out of akwardness. "You find anything yet princess?" asks Dean as he motions towards my paper with a nod. "No, not yet."
His eyebrows raise as he takes a big sip of coffee and our waitress, our hot busty waitress brings out our food. Dean emediately starts hitting on her and she flirts back. Bobby continues to read unfazed by Dean. "I'm going on break in a few me in the back?" She winks and spins to walk away, Dean's eyes glued to her ass. He looks at all of us, smiles, shruggs his shoulders, grabs his leather jacket and gets up to basically sprint in her direction. "Alright kids, I'll call ya when I get a whiff of somethin. Be careful please. The both of ya." We both stand up to give Bobby a hug before he leaves. Now it's just me and Sam. Sitting in akward silence. "So, about last night Sam.." He gets up, my eyes follow him. "Come on, let's go for a drive."

          We pay and go get into Dean's baby. And I have to admit, it is a very sexy car. Sam drives and it's just silent for like 3o minutes. "Hey Sam?" "Yeah?" "Nevermind." I don't know what I was going to say but I couldn't stand the silence anymore. We have all the windows down, our hair just going crazy in the wind. I see him keep looking over at me from the corner of my eye. He keeps swallowing and clearing his throat and readjusting his seating position. He looks nervous and I don't really know why. I look to see where his eyes are at on me and he's looking at my thighs. I move them ever so slightly to see what he does and he adjusts something else. I see a buldge in his jeans and he caught me looking. I blush and look up at him. I see lust in his eyes. He finds a dirt road and takes it. We both know what is about to go down. The breaks squeak to a stop and throws it in park. Not a second after he does, both of his huge hands go on both sides of my face and his warm lush lips are locked with mine. Oh my god. He kisses me so aggressively yet gentle at the same time. Leaving one of his hands on my face, the other travels down neck to my chest and his entire hand is filled with my breast.
          We stop kissing for a moment to catch out breath. "Is this okay?" he asks between breaths. I look at him in his eyes basically begging him to take me now when just behind his head I see a figure. My eyes widen and I gasp. Sam turns around in a hurry only to see the figure vanish before his eyes can focus on it. "We gotta find Dean."

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