the reveal <3

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*two weeks later dream and George are messaging*

George: hey dreeeeeam...

dream: yes George what's up?"

George: umm do you think you will ever show me your face

dream: yeah I mean I could show you now if you want on facetime 

George: wait really like right now

dream: yeah sure 

George: istg if your pranking your lying 

dream: George I'm not 

George: omg your actually face timing me no way 

dream: are you gonna pick up Orr 

George picks up to see  a dirty blonde green eyed boy laying on his bed looking at him...his face completely uncovered and he was Hella fine like SOOO fine like hotter than...than the hottest person you can think off and...and

"George alright you just completely froze" 

George came back to his senses and just sat there staring at dream for like 10 seconds

"yeah I'm hot.... I mean hot..fuck NO your fine I mean I'm fine" George turned a very dark shade of red and had to duck out of view dream chuckled 

"you seem shocked that I actually showed you my face did you expect me to send you a pic of a duck or something" 

"NO I EXPECTED YOU TO BE LIKE UGLY OR SOMETHING" George screamed at the phone from the other side of the room

dream erupted into a fit of giggled which made George feel..he didn't know what this feeling was like he was happy but he felt like calm and nervous all at once and warm and...I guess its just the shock George thought and shook himself a little before going and grabbing his phone again and sitting back down George just sat there staring at dream laugh.. god what was wrong with him today dream stopped suddenly and looked george dead in his eyes trying not to laugh he said 

"george your nose is bleeding"


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