| Capitolo Uno |

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I have no idea how long I was out but I just hear a very faded voice. "Klara? Klara?!" I slowly open my eyes, blinking a few times adjusting to the light in the room. "Klara, wszystko w porządku?" I wince slightly before giving a nod to Laura so she didn't start to worry that I didn't wake up. I groan slightly before pulling myself up. I readjust my eyesight to try and take in where I was. 

"Klara, dzięki Bogu, że się obudziłaś. Czy wszystko w porządku?" I frown slightly before pushing my sister to the side slightly. "Laura, proszę, nic mi nie jest. On jest dupkiem" I was feeling rage still, I wanted to find Martin and teach him a lesson but at the same time, he wasn't worth the time or effort of going after. "Zabiję go, kurwa, jak wróci do domu" I scoff slightly because I would happily do it too. "Nie ma sensu marnować na niego oddechu. Po prostu spędzę noc gdzieś indziej" I manage to pull myself up and get back on my feet again. I collect myself before heading to grab my phone and jacket to head out. "Klara, nie odchodź przez niego. Martin może znaleźć inne miejsce na noc. Zostań tu ze mną" 

I scoff slightly before taking a few seconds to think, "Masz rację, w takim razie idę spać" I give Laura a small smile before walking into my bedroom. Nothing was said afterwards, Martin never called or came back that night..


A few weeks had passed following the incident with Martin, and both I and Laura just continued with our work up until we were off for our holiday which links in with Laura's birthday! I was so excited to be going to Sicily to celebrate my sister getting older. Laura's best friend Olga was coming with her boyfriend and Martin was supposed to be coming but I don't even know what's happening with that asshole now. I don't really care really, let's be real there. 

I finished up at work and began to head home, as I was leaving the building I feel a vibration coming from my jacket pocket. I reach inside the pocket and grab my phone, though I slightly grit my teeth as I read the text that had just come through..

"Martin przeprasza i chce pojechać z nami wszystkimi na Sycylię. Czy możesz być grzeczny tylko na ten weekend?" 

"Martin apologises and wants to come with us all this weekend, can you be good just for this weekend?" 

I really couldn't believe what I had read, did Laura just forgive him? After what he had done to me a few weeks ago? I let out a big sigh before scoffing slightly as I reply back to her; "Zrobię to dla ciebie i dla nikogo innego, ale jeśli on zacznie, nie będę się powstrzymywać" I press send after tying out the reply before stuffing my phone in my pocket before starting my journey back home. 

After a while, passing through all those streets of our beautiful hometown, I finally reach the flat of where I and Laura share the flat between the two of us but then we have the problem of Martin being there at the moment because Laura and he are together. I kinda was bracing myself for Martin's sorry-ass excuses as soon as I step a foot in the door. That wasn't the sight I got. As I opened up the front door, I am greeted with the sight of Martin embracing Laura in his arms and them being affectionate again. Ugh, I want to puke! 

Anyone would be able to tell that Martin was faking it all and just doing it so he can come along with us for this trip to Sicily. I just roll my eyes, walking past them both and heading to my room. This is going to be so hard to be civil with him for the next few days. Anything for Laura though. "Klara, idziemy na wynos, co chcesz?" I poke my head out the door and look in their direction. "Nie jestem głodny, po prostu zamów dla was dwojga" Laura scoffs before going off to order the food anyway. I just pop back into my room, I wasn't lying, not really hungry and I kinda want to pack my suitcase for the flight in the morning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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