Chapter 6

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Hey friendos I'm sure a lot of you are like "wtf is going on".
This story was hella outdated and needed some polishing and since I'm actually working on the next chapter (which I hope to have out in the near future) I figured now was a good time to update it.
Some chapters were deleted/redone so the order got a bit screwed up and some comments are probably on the wrong chapters and all that jazz but I hope you guys forgive me.
I want this story to improve as I do and want you all to enjoy it as much as I do!
If any of you are left out there please leave your feedback on the improvements/rewrites I did.

And if you're new, welcome! I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think!


Micah ended up getting off his shift early the next day, with not much traffic coming through. He decided to take advantage of the extra time and got a shopping list from his mom, heading to the nearby shopping center.

He pulled into the parking lot and frowed as he saw cop cars and an ambulance rush by him and around the side of the building to some other cops that had already gathered along with a small crowd of people.

Unable to help but be nosy, Micah quickly parked and walked over, tunning out the nervous chatter as he slipped through the crowd to the front. What greeted his eyes made him wish he hadn't come over, the stench of old blood and early decay burning his sensitive nose and a bloody sheet covering the mangled form of something, doing little to stop Micah from feeling nauseous.

He tuned into the mutterings around him and heard someone talking about how mangled the lion shifter had looked before the sheet had been put over the body.

A lion shifter? What the hell can mess up a lion shifter that bad?

Micah wasn't sure he wanted to know. He started to back away when the scent of fire and spice washed over him, causing saliva to pool in his mouth and freezing him in his tracks. All the people around him suddenly went silent, moving out of the way of the broad form that walked between them and went over to the body, lifting the sheet a little and scenting it before growling and jerking around to the police; angrily whispering to them.

It seemed him and this Kael guy seeing each other was becoming a common thing. Which was not necessarily a good thing for Micah's...ah...hormones.

Suddenly that golden gaze swung to meet his stare and Micah nearly jumped out of his own skin. He looked away nervously, his legs twitching in place as he felt Kael's eyes on him still.

Well this is awkward. Guess I'll just...walk away? Shit, he's walking over here. Yep time to leave.

Micah turned, basically speed-walking away from the crowd, the scent of decay and the feeling of anxiety slowly getting replaced by the smell of the market and the feeling of slight annoyance at the overwhelming chatter of the store reached his sensitive ears.  Damn his shifter hearing.

He could practically feel Kael burning holes into his back so he walked faster, ducking around a few aisles of frozen food and hoping to lose him in the crowd. The realization of exactly what he was doing nearly caused him to stop halfway down an aisle. What was he, a shy teen? He was practically running from the guy, for fucks sake. He had no reason to do this. The other shifter probably wanted to apologize in person finally,  if anything. Yet here Micah was, letting what little feline instincts he had guide him as far as possible from the guy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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