Chapter 4

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Luckily the rest of his first shift went fairly smooth and before he knew it the shift change was there and he was able to leave.

The two girls from earlier waved at him as they walked the other direction, shouting their goodbyes. Micah nodded and waved, the tension draining from his shoulders as he stepped out of the building.

His first day was done and while it had its moments it hadn't gone terribly. If you didn't count that one guy that was.


Oh for fucks sake.

Micah froze, looking to the side and meeting the gaze of the girl from earlier that day, the one that had pulled Kael away.

"Uhhh... Hi?"

The other shifter snorted and stuck her hands in her pockets, shoulders loosening and posture slouching in an obvious attempt to appear less threatening.

"Kael wanted me to tell you he was sorry for earlier. I know the apology should come from the source but it can't right now. He had to go burn off some steam and get himself back under control. I haven't seen him lose it like that in a long time. Apparently I've become his personal messenger in the meantime."

Micah opened his mouth to respond, only to realize he had no great comeback whatsoever. Well.. At least the guy was sorry?

"Thank you?"

The girl grinned and walked closer, sticking out her hand for Micah to shake.

"Yup. The name is Claire, and you must be Micah, I assume? People in this area are nosy as hell and stuff gets around pretty quickly."

"Its nice to meet you, Claire." Micah grinned as he took the offered hand. "I figured it would, to be honest."

"Hah, and just so you know, Kael flipped his shit after he finally managed to calm down for the most part. At one point I thought the idiot was going to send me with a dozen red roses and a poem."

Micah felt his face start to heat up yet again, stumbling on how to respond for a moment.

"Really? He doesn't strike me as that kind of guy. He's all big and- well you know, looks like he could rip someone in two."

"Oh he could definitely rip someone in two, but deep down he's a big softie with daddy issues."

Micah really had to bite his tongue at that point or he would've said or done something stupid. Though the fact that she confirmed he could rip a man in two was a little scary and he couldn't tell if she was teasing or being serious. Best not to find out.

"Oh. Well, tell him I said it's cool? I mean, sure, he scared the shit out of me but I can understand, instincts and all that. He seems to be a pretty powerful shifter and if he is then it must be harder to contain all... That?"

Claire gave and approving nod and started to walk backwards.

"I'll be sure to tell him that, cutie. Take care."

Micah watched her until she got in her car and drove away, his breath leaving him in a rush once her car rounded a bend. Well, that wasn't too bad.

At least that Kael guy isn't too big of an ass. I think.


"Holy shit, MICAH GET IN HERE!"

Micah woke to the sound of his mom yelling and snorted, already knowing it was probably a large bug of some sort to make her cuss like that.

An hour later, bug killer and food consumed, saw Micah arriving for his second day at work. Surprisingly well rested and maybe a bit too optimistic for the day.

There were only a few customers eating when he got there, same as last time. Though a lot more people showed up around lunch and while he preferred when there was less people, he certainly didn't mind that there was more. The diner was surprisingly peaceful, even when busy. Something he hoped wouldn't change.

The crowd from the other day showed up an hour into lunch time, Claire among them, but Kael unsurprisingly absent. Micah couldn't help but find excuses to go to the back, especially since most of the group, except for Claire, kept whispering and looking over at him. Though with the way Claire was staring down at her menu with a blank expression, he couldn't tell that was a good thing.

He noticed that even without Kael being in the group, the other workers still acted tense around them. He wondered why, perhaps they purposely intimidated them? Usually more dominant shifters didn't stay in large groups but these guys seemed to all be moderately close.

It was odd.

Suddenly of the guys in the group caught him staring and stood up, walking over with his shoulders set and a cocky grin on his face.

Micah sighed, closing his eyes.

Right back to square one, shit.

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