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Chapter III

"If you really thought you could sneak in, you must truly underestimate how protective I am."

William's eyes widen and he freezes in the entryway; he's only managed to slip off one shoe. The sun has barely begun to rise, and he had thought his pack mates would've been asleep by now. He shouldn't have assumed, because James is leaning against the wide entrance to the east wing, with arms crossed and brow furrowed.

"I didn't–"

William takes a step back in surprise as James is immediately in his space. Werewolves are fast, not quite as fast as vampires, but still quick enough to keep up. They are stronger though, and their claws and canines are durable enough to crack vampire skin. James' sniffs at him for a moment before stiffening.

"Are you alright?" The alpha grips his shoulders with manic eyes wide with worry.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," William reassures, "Nothing happened to me."

Nothing bad, at least. He thinks.

"You reek of vampire," James' eyes narrow, "What were– Lizzie said you were– No. No, William."

William shrinks back under the older werewolf's deafening anger. James' voice is bordering on alpha, and it makes his brain feel like it was shaking. He lets out a gentle whimper.

"Tell me you didn't," James growls, "That you weren't that stupid."


"You're lucky that Lizzie is asleep or she'd be having a fit," James paces, hands tangled in his hair, "You are never leaving my sight."


"No, no, you don't know how dangerous they are," James cut him off again, "They want us dead, and just because you were able to shag one doesn't mean anything."

"No, he–"

"He probably just wanted you as a novelty, Will. You're lucky he didn't try to kill you after."

William tried not to let James' words hurt him; the other werewolf just doesn't understand. Garrett loves him, or at least they both know it could be love. If they are given the chance to nurture their bond. If James let them give it a chance. Because as much as William wants his mate, he isn't sure if he'd be willing to leave his pack. He doesn't want to lose anyone.

"Jamie," William says, and his voice is firm enough that it makes James' still, "He's my mate."

James looks stricken before his lips curl up into disgust, eyes amber, "Absolutely not."

"You know I can't control it," William looks towards the ground in defeat. He knows James wouldn't be happy, but it still hurts to see his friend so upset, "He's not so bad."

"He's not so bad?" James laughs; it's harsh and cruel, "Don't be naive, love."

"You can't separate mates. Do you really want me to fade?"

Immediately James' anger is quelled, "You know I don't...This just isn't done. In fact, I don't think it's ever happened."

"Well it's happened," William sighs, "And I want you to meet him."

James snarls, but it isn't directed at William; it's just out of pure frustration.

"Please, Jamie?" William begs, "You're my family, and I want you to meet him."

"Fine," James growls in irritation, "I'll meet him. But he's not stepping one foot into this house."


"Absolutely lovely home you have here," Garrett sits, legs wide on one of the velvet couches, lounging with William as if he owns the place. 

James' left eye twitches. How did the vampire even end up in their home again? The alpha wonders how much his love for William can cause him to make stupid decisions– like letting a vampire into his home. He glares at said vampire, who has an infuriating smirk on his face; the smell of bleach permeates throughout the room.

William wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole. The tension is so thick that you can slice into the air and come away with two pieces. The only one who seems completely unfazed by the whole situation is Garrett. Either his mate just doesn't care, is stupid, or is putting on a front. William doesn't know him well enough to be able to tell yet.

"Thank you. We've lived here for decades," Lizzie's smile is a bit too tight, but at least she doesn't look like she wants to kill Garrett, unlike her husband, "I'd offer you something to drink, but I don't think it'd be quite suited to your pallet."

William really, really wants to be anywhere other than here. He shouldn't have begged James to meet his mate because he isn't sure which is worse, Lizzie's fake sweetness or James' fury.

"Don't worry about it," Garrett waves his hand, "I had a human two nights ago."

William decides his mate is just dumb– incredibly dumb.

"Yeah, the red eyes are a dead give away, mate," James sneers.

"Pretty boy didn't tell me you were English. I fought against them you know. Can't say I'm too fond of you lot."

Idiot. William thinks.

"We're not too fond of you either," James' eyes glow amber.

"Yet, here we are, coexisting," William says, trying to ease some of the tension in the room.

"Yeah, we're having a right laugh," James' claws dig into the velvet of his chair.

"If we just give each other a chance–"

"His kind are the reason for our near extinction and you just want me to be okay with the two of you being together?" James points an accusing finger at the vampire.

"He had nothing to do with that," William argues.

"I have nothing against your kind," Garrett says, "You can hate me all you want, but I won't leave, Will."

"And that's really why you're here isn't it? To see how dedicated you are to him," Lizzie narrows her eyes at the vampire.

"I'm devoted to him," Garrett speaks with conviction.

Lizzie smirks, "Then I suppose you should stay here."

"What?" James hissed.

"Well if he's going to be part of the family, then he should live with us. And you know new mates should be close to one another."

"He is not family." James' lip curls in dissatisfaction, but he withers beneath Lizzie's glare, "Fine. He can stay."

"Look, I don't want to cause any trouble. I'm just here for Will," Garrett puts his arm around William and pulls him closer.

"Think of this as a trial, as whether or not you'll fit in," Lizzie tilts her head and smiles sweetly, "And Garrett, if you hurt him, I'll rip you to pieces and throw the torch myself."

Garrett eyes her warily, "Understood."

William decides that Lizzie is worse, much, much worse than James. 

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