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Chapter IV

"It's quite cozy in here," Garrett says, as he browses William's room with interest. The vampire eyes the extensive bookshelf and picks out a volume of American history, "You know I lived this."

The two had settled in William's room after the tense conversation in the parlor with James and Lizzie. The alpha was clearly unhappy that a vampire would be living with them, and as for Lizzie, it seemed like more of a test. Though William didn't know how the woman wanted Garrett to prove himself.

"How old are you exactly," William asks, intrigued, as he leans against his dresser.

"I was twenty-eight when I turned, but I don't quite know exactly when I was born or much of my human life. Most vampires hardly remember who they were before the change. Though I do know that I was still a human during the American Revolution, and fought for the colonies."

Garrett puts the book back into its place on the shelf.

"I remember my men and I being attacked by a vampire . He drained all of them, but was too full to completely kill me, so I changed. I woke up a few days later knowing only that I had the urge to kill humans and consume their blood... I know it's not much of a story to tell. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. I know it was probably very traumatic for you," William says, "I remember the first time I transformed. It was horrible."

"How did you turn?" the vampire asks curiously.

"It's actually quite embarrassing in that I was so stupid," William frowns, "I had been house sitting for James and Liz, and after, when I went to return the key, I heard these pained howls. All I knew was that I needed to help whatever was hurt.

I didn't really think when I went into the house and followed the sounds into the basement. There were these animals that I had never seen before. I was in awe just as much as I was afraid, and I should've left...but I didn't. I guess I just got too close and Liz bit me. It wasn't her fault though. She couldn't help her instinct."

"I don't think you were stupid," Garrett says, "if anything you just wanted to make sure whatever you heard was alright. You have heart, not a lot of people do."

William bites his lip, and shrugs, "I guess."

"You do." Garrett stresses, before looking agitated, "I still have to go back to the hotel to get my belongings."

William furrows his brow, "About that... How did you get that hotel room?"

It isn't that he wants to assume Garrett doesn't have any money, the vampire just doesn't seem likely to have a bank account.

"Don't worry, pretty boy. I only hunt those who deserve it," Garrett reassures, "There was a man the other night, trying to hurt a woman in an alley," the vampire continues, and William can connect the dots pretty easily, "when I went through his pockets I snatched a wallet and his room key. I'd say it definitely came in handy."

William processes Garrett's story. He hadn't expected the vampire to be so particular with his kills. From William's understanding most vampires killed without reason and had an insatiable bloodlust.

"I didn't think you chose your hunts so carefully. I suppose it makes me more comfortable about your diet."

"I don't like killing innocents. I don't want to completely be a monster."

"I don't really think that anyone does," William says bitterly.

Garrett tilts his head and gives the werewolf a calculating look, but it doesn't seem like digging deeper into the man's words would be the right thing to do at the present moment. Instead he reaches for Williams's hand and kisses the werewolf's knuckles gently.

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