full moon

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Chapter V

"I don't understand why you would do this to me?"

"Calm down, Will. I didn't do anything to you. I did something for you," Lizzie crosses her arms in frustration. William could be so stubborn when he wanted to, and she's only trying to help ease some of his pain, "I know you miss her."

"How did Bella even get our address?"

"I texted her when you moved here."

"And why do you even have her number?" William's lip curls in annoyance.

"We exchanged them when she visited during our sophomore year," Lizzie says, as if that explains anything. William can't fathom for the life of him why Lizze was interested in building a friendship with his teenage sister. Although Bella did seem to worship the woman, and during the summer she stayed with them, often found herself seeking advice from Lizzie. Bella didn't have many friends, so she clung to Lizzie just as intensely as she did to William. He just didn't think the two were still in contact, and actually talked even after he had stopped answering his own sister's calls.

"She needed guidance after she moved to Forks," Lizzie continues, "You don't know what she's been through with that boy. I can't say I approve of her marrying him, but she's an adult now."

William looks at the wedding invitation with disdain. He didn't even know Bella had been dating anyone, and now she's getting married. He keeps reading the name Edward Cullen and sneers. What is this boy even like, and what kind of teenagers even get married so early in this decade? The brief thought of Bella being pregnant flashes through his mind, but he knows his sister was too careful to let something like that happen. Knowing Bella, she's probably waiting until she's married to even have sex.

"She's only eighteen," he frowns, "She still has a whole life ahead of her."

"Bella's always been too mature for her age. I'm sure she didn't make this decision lightly."

"We can't go," William decides, averting his eyes from the anger on the woman's face.

"She's your sister, and my friend. We're going."

"I specifically cut Bella out of my life to protect her," William's fist clenches around the glass cup in his hand; he can feel it cracking, "She doesn't need to be in this world."

"Well you don't have to tell her," Lizzie argued.

"And what about when she realizes I'm not aging, or if I accidentally break her spine if I hug her?" William seethes, "What then?"

"You're perfectly capable of holding back your strength now, and as for aging...you still have a few years left to be with your family."

"And what if I don't want any more years with them? I've already cut them off. Do you know how much it would hurt them a second time, especially Bella?"

"You only cut them off because you're afraid," Lizzie snaps, and William looks at her with fury in his eyes. He throws the glass across the room and it shatters against the steel blue walls.

"Of course I'm afraid," he says, voice raised, and eyes glowing golden, "I'll only hurt them. Nothing good comes from me being in their lives."

"You don't know that-"

Lizzie bares her teeth when William snarls at her. He knows better than to be aggressive with her, "You need to relax, unless you want me to get Jamie in here."

William lets out a growl, but still relaxes his posture into a less confrontational one.

"You're going to clean this up," Lizzie looks at the broken glass, "And calm down until you're ready to talk like an adult."

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