love's first sprout

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'How about when you first started to have a crush on each other?' cluttertray suggested.

'Well, that's not- that's not how most relationships work, you don't normally know immediately like in your book 'fluttershy answered hesitantly.

'here's an idea! Why don't we just read you those books?' discord yarned, too tired to pull any shenanigans. "Get good too, discord! Ur a beast of unknowing power!! You shouldn't just 'get too tired' to create chaos! >8("

'NO!!' cluttertray squealed in a flustered, cracky voice, a scarlet red rash-like blush spread across her entire face.

'Fine, fine! Sheesh...' discord responded with his hands up to his chest. "What's up with those books then ʕ: ["

'let's just start with you, fluttershy, since you realized Ur feelings first'

'Good idea discord!' fluttershy announced 'so, it started when I was visiting uncle zephyr at his new apartment-'


'Hey big sis!' zephyr bellowed with great excitement.

'Hey zephyr, it's nice to see you again! How are you?'

'Why don't you come inside to talk' He gestured to the door and walked in, fluttershy followed. They walk into a... interesting dressed living room, if there were words to describe the look, I would use them, but there aren't... I'll just describe it as zephyr breeze. "You sure it's not because Ur too lazy to do so?" 'Oh, this place looks... inter- nice- er- you- yah, you, heheh,' fluttershy commented, although she spoke hesitantly, she had no intention of lying to her younger brother. "Oooohh, so now she's the element of honesty now huh?" 'I know! Pretty good if I do say so myself! Hey where's rainbow? You said she'd come,' zephyr asked, obviously disappointed that he can't flirt with her in his own narcissistic way. "Actually, fairly accurate" 'she was going to come but after I told her WHO I was going to see, she backed out...' fluttershy responded.

'Figures, I AM irresistible after all' zephyr bragged as they walked in the kitchen. Fluttershy debated telling him dash was lesbian, but he wouldn't believe her even if she tried. 'So, how's life been?' zephyr asked trying to strike up conversations after an awkward silence following his statement. 'busy' fluttershy replied shortly 'with the animal stationary, the school and all my friends, I don't have a lot of time.'

'Well the hair therapist I work at is going out of business In a few months, so I have to find a temporary job soon, just until I get re-located.' Zephyr mentioned in a slightly gloomy voice 'oh don't worry! I don't need a place to stay or to loan some bits or anything- 'zephyr added after glancing at fluttershy's concerned, stern face. They talked for a good few hours. 'Oh! I got to go now zephyr; discord should be coming over any minute know-'

'I didn't know you were dating some pony-er- creature flutterbutter,' zephyr teased obviously not reading the room right.

'Oh gosh no! discord is just my friend,' fluttershy blurted

'You mean the dracona-draco-draconacussicus-... creature that said you were quote "best pony" in an interview with the pony life magazine?' zephyr asked

'He what!' squeaked a slightly red fluttershy 'whatever got to go, bye' she ran off.


'Now, it's time for bed now' fluttershy announced to the foals.

'Just five more minutes mum?' cluttertray pleaded 'dad?'

'No, it's way too late, give Ur brother his mouth back and GO.TO.SLEEP' discord told his dauter


With a poof turmoil's mouth re-appeared 'thank Celestia' he gasped.

'Good night' the foals told their parents,

'Good night' they echoed back.

As the door closed, turmoil and clutter finally drift off to sleep.

The bedtime story: a fluttercord storyWhere stories live. Discover now