| Prologo |

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A/N - I don't speak Polish so the translations may be inaccurate so I do apologise for that! 

Sicily, I couldn't wait to get there, work was enough stress. Maybe I can find myself a smoking hot Italian man and my sister, Laura can do so much better than Martin, he doesn't treat her right.

I know it probably sounds like the jealous sister but I never liked him anyway. I don't even know what she saw in him. "Zamierzasz zejść ze swojego leniwego tyłka i zrobić obiad?" Martin groans before continuing whatever crap he was working on. I scoff getting up from the sofa and heading into the kitchen, "Laura zasługuje na dużo lepsze!" I hear him scoff from behind me. See what I mean? I ignore him as I make a start on the food for me and Laura then of course Martin, though I would rather let him fend for himself. 

As I was preparing the food, I feel someone behind me, I knew who it was which is why my blood instantly boils. I stop in my tracks, I turn around to face him as he put his measly fingers on me, wrapping them around my waist. "Możesz odejść, wpuść mnie do tej cipki. Jesteś o wiele piękniejsza niż Laura" I tighten my jaw, "Nie zasługujesz na to, co widzę między nogami, ani nie zasługujesz na Laura" Within a few seconds I slap him as hard as possible around his face. Yes, it may have angered him more but I couldn't care less right now. 

Nothing is said I just get slapped followed by getting grabbed around my throat. "Zrób to, co ci powiem, albo powiem Laurze, że mnie narzuciłaś" I scoff at him before clawing at his hands to let me go. All I see is a figure walk in the front door right as I receive a punch to the face..

*Coming Soon 2022/2023!*

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