CHAPTER 16: Hiding Something, Boss?

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Sana and Boss were staring at George in awe.

"What?", he asked looking at their expressions.

"Oh god, George! all makes so much sense", Sana struggled to find the right words.

"", Boss muttered a little too loud so Sana and George heard him.

" fine?", Sana asked.

Boss immediately came out of his thoughts and said quickly, "Who? me? Y-ya, totally fine. Why?"

George picked up a tissue paper from Boss's table and silently handed it to him. Boss took it, wiped the sweat off his face and forehead, and said, "Great sense of humor you have, George"

"Now, will you tell us what was that?", asked Sana

"What was what?", he nervously asked.

"", George mimicked Boss and raised his eyebrows, asking the same thing.

"I was just thinking that...if they want to kidnap Sana, they will attack again and again", Boss replied a bit nervously.

Sana and George shared a look and had a quick, silent conversation with a conclusion - 'We know that's not the truth but let's go with the flow and just ignore this, we will handle this later and find out the truth, but not now'

Boss looked from Sana to George and demanded, "What silent conversation are you guys having?"

"What what are we having?", Sana asked innocently as if she had not just totally sassed her Boss.

"Okay, guys. Now, seriously again and make sure I don't have to repeat it. We have got important issues to deal with", Boss half-scolded and half-pleaded.

George got back on track and said, ", I think we should provide her family some protection. She is one of the best agents, she can handle it if she is attacked but, if I have judged the attackers correctly, their next move-"

"Would be to attack my family", Sana finished.


Sana shook from head to toe. Boss had suddenly lost control. She thought he overreacted a bit, actually a lot but she assured herself by telling herself that Emily was like his daughter, it is just his fatherly side showing. But deep down, she knew something was fishy. She had a strong suspicion that Boss was hiding something big from her but she decided to concentrate on the problem at hand. Emily was after all, more important to her than solving this mystery.

"Okay Boss...Cool down a bit", Sana tried to cool him down.

George again handed him a tissue paper which Boss aggressively snatched, again wiped the sweat, and threw it into the dustbin at the corner. He then sighed deeply and sat down on his desk.

Sana and George again exchanged a what's-wrong-with-him? look.

"Sorry guys. Anyways, I can guarantee Emily will be their next target. Sana, 10 agents will be appointed for the safety of your house"

"Am I becoming hard of hearing or did you actually say 10?", Sana asked in shock.

"I said t-e-n, ten. 5 will be at your house, 3 will be at Emily's college and the other 2 will follow Emily wherever she goes", Boss stated firmly, indicating he wouldn't change his decision no matter what.

"Excuse me? And may I know how am I supposed to tell Emily all this? 'Hey, Emily! From now on ten agents will be appointed for your safety. They will follow you everywhere and follow your every move, nothing serious is happening though, just chill' or shall I go like 'Emily, you may not know, but from now on your life is in danger, so, ten agents are at your safety. Don't worry though. Everything is cool'. Come on, tell me", Sana retorted back, challenging her Boss.

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