Super Soaked Kids Get soaked by Water Guns {WK 15.2}

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Annie: Our video for 400 and 50 with water guns ahh hides behind plow

Caleb: I blocked it I blocked it did it get you Jonne'a?

Jonne'a: No it almost did though

Caleb: I blocked it

Jonne'a/Annie ahh hides their face in the pillow

Caleb: I keep blocking I'm unstoppable

Katie: laughs

Intro: starring





Caleb: Make sure that- gets squirted with water guns daddy thank you Superjonasnumber1fan for this for the super water gun fight gets squirted with water guns

Jonne'a/Annie: screams while laughing

Annie: No! No!

Jonne'a: No no please stop

Caleb: Stop!

Jonne'a/Annie laughing

Annie: Yay Yay yay

Caleb: Ahh

Annie: I'm scared

Jonne'a: Me too

Jonne'a?Annie: pointing at Caleb while laughing

Annie: Daddy trying to get us

Caleb: Daddy's trying to shoot us with that water gun and it's crazy and cold

Jonne'a: Yea it is crazy and cold dad being mean Hayley is not in the video because she is asleep

Annie/Jonne'a/Caleb: squirting each other with water guns

Billy: squiring Annie and Jonne'a with water guns

they did that for a while

Caleb: So here's the deal we are gonna start crazy videos every 100 subscribers

Jonne'a: Shout out every fifty

Annie: When we get to 500 hundred subscribers my brother and sister are gonna throw a pie in my face

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