Bratayley gets smurfed

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Hayley: I turned it I do not not this 

Katie: Still have the hiccups 

Hayley: giggling excuse me excuse me 


Annie: We're gonna go see a movie and um we don't know what movie we're gonna watch our choices are Winnie the Pooh which Hayley wants to see 

Caleb: And us 

Annie: And Smurfs that I want to see 

Jonne'a: I don't care what movie we see either is fine with me 

Caleb: I want to see Winnie the Pooh 

Annie: What I'm doing with this cup is I'm there's these little noses Smurf or Winnie the Pooh I'm gonna shake them up and close my eyes and put my hands in pick one up roll it out and let's see which movie we're going to 

Caleb: Yay 

Jonne'a: K let's see what movie we're gonna see 

Katie: Does anybody wait wait before you look at it are you gonna b e mad if it's not the movie that you want to see

Jonne'a: I won't be mad I don't mind whichever one is fine 

Annie/Caleb: No 

Annie: Ready? 

Caleb: Because I like both of them 

Jonne'a: Yeah me too 

Annie: And it's Smurf 

Jonne'a: Oh okay Smurf it is 

Caleb: Okay we better get ready 

Annie: So we can go to the movie 

Caleb: So I can't eat wait I'm already dressed 

Katie: You're gonna wear pants it's hot out 

Jonne'a: So we're going to the movies like we already told you and we gotten ready but we're waiting for mom to eat stuff like that 

Caleb: Annie are you happy that we're going to see the Smurfs 

Annie: Yes 

Caleb: Jonne'a are you happy we're going to see the Smurfs

Jonne'a: Yes I am I'm excited 

Caleb: Hayley are you happy that we're going to the movies you're not happy you are happy 

Hayley: Hm-mm 

Caleb: You're happy that we're going to the movies 

Hayley: Hm-mm 

Caleb: So say yay movies what are you eating Hayley?

Hayley: Um a sucker 

Annie: What?

Caleb: Sucker 

Hayley: Hmm-mm 

Caleb: How old are you?

Hayley: Two 

Caleb: What's your name

Hayley: Please 

Caleb: Please no what's your name?

Hayley: Please 

Caleb: Can I go eat some grape juice drink some grape juice 

Hayley: Yeah 

Jonne'a: giggles Hayley you are so silly 

Hayley: Thank you 

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