Chapter 1

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"So, where are we headed?" I ask meekly not daring to look in his direction.

"Windsor. There is a safe house of sorts for us." He answers.

"What do you mean by sorts?" I asked.

"I-I arranged security there and we will be safe. I had it as an option in case my past catches up with me. A mere precaution." He answers. This pause before answering made it clear he was thinking as to what to say to me. But, I was going to get the answers from him no matter what.

"How long is the drive?" I asked.

"2 hours and 13 minutes. Why?" he asked.

"Just." I shrugged and answered him.

I sighed and looked out the window. I had messaged Kira, Cami and Mia that Stefan had politely asked me to come back because he decided we should stop fighting and get to know each other. We are supposed to be going AWOL in the Maldives. Spending some time and calming the friction down and taking a lot of time to do so. Detaching ourselves from the world because we are hard heads. They surprisingly swooned over the fact that Stefan Black had just been Dianaed. I am pretty sure they would all be in the hospital knowing that we are being hunted down because Stefan ran with a bad crowd in high school. Stefan has switched off our phones for safety precaution. When I say switched off phones I meant mine. His surprisingly won't get us in any trouble. It is 3 in the morning and I am beyond tired and sleepy but, there is nothing I could do. I also had messaged Gloria that I have come back to London as my husband and I have gotten over our fight and time away from each other. She was quite okay with it. I haven't been able to contact Bailee and tell her myself because Stefan said that I was allowed only three people to be informed. I suppose Gloria will inform her. I do miss Bailee. I messaged Damon and told him the same thing I told the girls so he will no doubt pass on the message over to the parents. He did ask why was I not coming back since the money has been paid but, then again I lied and said that maybe I could get a permanent alliance with Stefan and he is turning out to be nicer company. I lied. Stefan is the worst company and he is no doubt bi-polar.

After our hug I told him that every thing would be okay. But I had this really bad feeling that is was far from it. I sighed.

"What is it?" Stefan asked. "Nothing. I am just tired and sleepy but, I am not able to sleep." I answered him. "We should reach by 6." He said. "Stefan." "Yeah?" "I lied to the people that mean the most to me in a way to protect them. But, if I find out you are lying to me once again. I don't think I will be able to let it go. I will go to the police and I will get into some witness protection program but, never ever will I be able to really, truly trust you. So, everything you just told had better be the truth." I told him. He looked at me and then back at the road. I heard him take a deep breath before he looked back at me and answer, "I did tell you the truth. No more lies. Not the way you were almost in danger. I don't I could let my mistakes harm the life of an innocent like yours. I am not going to lie. From now it all the truth and who knows you might finally become friends with me." He said. I scoffed and gave him a small smile. "I am glad. I really hope we can work this out so that I can go home." I say. "Yeah." He said in a tone I didn't bother looking into. "So friend, you might as well get know me through my music on road trips." I said as I took his phone as I went to Spotify and start playing my favourite songs.

"One direction?" Stefan asks, "No." he protests and tries to change the song. I smack his hand away. "You never judge a friend's music taste in the beginning of the friendship. Now educate yourself." I say with a smile on my face. "Why do you have to be so difficult." He groans. "Garret accepts defeat that one direction is something Hannah can't get over. So you should learn too." "Garret? Hannah?" He asks. "Yes, one of my favourite romance books called the Deal. It is about a fake relationship between the campus most popular hockey player and the female character who is trying to impress her crush. She helps him with getting his GPA up and he helps her by showing the ropes to get her crush's attention." "And on the way they obviously fall in love." Stefan states. "Yes, and he falls first. So, in a way he trying to show that he is much better than the guy she has her eyes on. In addition to that there is this one scene where she learns she is part of a campus wide hands-off law." I say smiling at him.

"Interesting." He says. "Really?" I asked confused by his reaction. "No. That was sappy and stupid." He says. I roll my eyes at him. We sit in silent and just enjoy the voice of heaven as One Direction sing Stockholm Syndrome.


Diana has already fallen asleep. I look at her sleeping figure. She looks peaceful, yet the most beautiful at the same time. The most beautiful thing I just shattered after the eventful incident back at London. I could hear my heart slow down when the attacker had a gun pressed to Diana's forehead. I was not able to breath. But my body saved me and kept me steady to save. I remember how she fell to her knees. I just wanted her to be safe. And I realise that now that may not necessarily mean with me. Her covered in blood and looking panicked and shocked. It was almost like she was numb and I couldn't imagine myself doing that to her or anyone. Especially her. Especially when I know her favourite band, her favourite genre of books.

She is breaking into pieces and it is all my fault. I was the one who threw the first pebble into her glass when I forced her to marry me. I didn't think with my head. I should have let her seem like the least important thing to me but, I couldn't let her go. Not when she escaped, not when she lost all her fire when she stopped fighting and resisting me the minute, she let me control her life. The minute she gave up was the first night when she cried herself to sleep and I had hurt that night. She had bruise and it was so bad that she needed an ice pack. I took deep breath as the bad thoughts what I did to her came back to me. She was a nice person to have in my life and I ruined having any kind of relationship with her. I should have never left home. Maybe be with proper help I would not be in the predicament I am in now.

I sigh. I tap my finger to beat of the song. I can't believe I am even thinking his but, One Direction is growing on me. I don't like it. She is turning me into my nightmare. A normal person. A life Ifear I can have. It is not even a dream. It makes me nauseous thinking I couldreally have a life with no darkness. A life of love and happiness. A life people who don't know me and Diana think are having. A life of every husband and wife. I breathe in as I think that I mustn't think anything with Diana can happen because we are doomed from the start. It ends here. The minute Kyle is found and is dead. I leave Diana.

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