Dress Code.

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I've lived near the equator for my entire life

Highs in the summer reach the 100's, lows barely in the 40's

Half the time the ac's broken

And goodness knows it's "dangerous" if the windows are open

It's first period and my male teacher hasn't said a word

An administrator has already told me to "raise my arms"

Because for some reason,

You all think that a slight bit of my midriff

Would somehow cause a distraction

But she dismissed it

Sitting in the front of the class at my desk

And he doesn't bat an eyelash

He doesn't look at me inappropriately.

Second period and the classroom's cold.

I put on my jacket and it drapes off my small frame

Because I can't find anything with a zipper that fits right

Again, the teacher still says nothing

But she's called out two others already.

Why are they any different than I am?

Third period and I have the only feminist teacher I've ever had to deal with

She goes over the dress code policy and says that shoulders and stomach are a no-go.

Because for some reason it's


For the male students

I've been told to keep my clothes on, but have they ever been told to keep their hands to themselves?

You're a feminist

Aren't you supposed to be all for women's freedom?

I've never had an issue with men, because,

Well I'm not pretty

But I'm still being told to cover up by women

My jacket's still on so I don't see the problem

She doesn't say a word about my shorts

She doesn't say a word about any of it

She does not care.

Fourth period and the air conditioning is off again

The windows are open and a small breeze is blowing

So off comes that jacket.

And oh no,

My shoulders are showing

Again, she doesn't say a word

I'm walking in the hallway on the way to the bathroom

"Put on that jacket!" An administrator calls

From halfway down the hall


I nod but do nothing about my outfit

I just crumple up my jacket and stuff it in my bag

I'm tired of being told what to do

I'm a straight A student,

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