Chapter 7: Action

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A/N: I cranked this out for all of you - didn't want to keep you waiting!

Bokuto and Akaashi go on their first date, while Kageyama and Hinata spend an evening in. Also, Atsumu gets an answer to his question.


As Akaashi steps out of his apartment, Bokuto suddenly feels nervous and a bit shy. He is hoping he doesn't make a fool of himself in front of his crush.

They walk in silence for a couple of minutes when Bo says, "I thought we'd go to this restaurant not far from him. They have really good food, but it's casual. I hope that's okay."

Akaashi looks up with a faint smile, "Yes, Bokuto-san, that sounds fine."

"Oh, good," Bokuto gushes, too enthusiastically. He vows to keep his energy restrained as possible, since some people tell him he's a little much when he's excited.

They get to the restaurant and are seated at a table. They make small talk about the menu and the ambiance while they wait for their orders to be taken. Once the waiter leaves after taking their menus, Bo brings up the topic he's dying to discuss with his date.

"So, I finished that book today. It's very good, but also quite tragic. Did you really mean it when you said you identified with the main character so much?"

"Yes, I meant it," Akaashi admits.

"That's sad, 'Kaashi. Do you feel like that? Depressed, I mean?"

"Sometimes," Akaashi reveals, not wanting to elaborate.

"Is that why you said your soul was black?"

Akaashi looks up at his date and realizes that this is a sincere question. There is no mocking or belittling, just an honest desire to know the answer.

"I guess. It does feel that way sometimes."

Bokuto actually looks deflated, and Akaashi thinks he must be imagining it in this poor lighting, but Bo's hair seems to droop and look sad too.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, 'Kaashi. I like you a lot and think you're awesome, if that helps at all."

Akaashi can't help but smile. "It actually does help a little, Bokuto-san. Thank you."

"Is there a reason you feel that way? I mean, that you want to talk about? You obviously don't have to answer if you're not comfortable."

Akaashi seems to think for a moment. Why does he feel so down all the time? He doesn't think he has clinical depression or anything, just a strong dislike for life and this shitty world we live in. He sees too much, reads too much, knows too much, and the world is a really awful place if you are paying attention. Is that what gets to him?

Maybe if his life was more satisfying, he could overlook or at least compartmentalize the horrors that occur every day. Maybe if he had a life worth living, he could try to enjoy it, despite the world around him. Maybe if he had someone or something in his life that made him happy, he would have refuge from the crap swirling around him nonstop.

What does he want from life? He figures he'll start with something that won't quite expose his true self too completely.

"My life hasn't worked out the way I wanted, I guess."

"What did you want that you didn't get?" Bokuto leans across the table, listening intently.

Akaashi avoids making eye contact, choosing instead to stare into his water glass. "I wanted to go to university and study literature, for one."

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