Chapter 24: Endgame

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SUMMARY: The next day


The next day goes by as most other days for Akaashi. He wakes up sore, having fulfilled his promise to his boyfriend to wear his new shirt while Bokuto ruined him. He goes to work, has a black coffee and a bento prepared by his boyfriend, does a few tattoos for clients, and answers questions from some others.

He texts Bokuto as he leaves work, and Bo, as usual, agrees to meet Akaashi at his apartment. Tonight Bo is bringing dinner since Akaashi mentioned he is tired and doesn't want to cook.

They talk about their days over dinner and Akaashi listens as Bokuto explains the scene that unfolded in Grind when two customers argued over a drink. He is laughing and gesturing wildly and Akaashi thinks for the millionth time how he loves listening to and watching Bokuto. He could do it all day, really.

They finish dinner, wash dishes, and move to the sofa to put on a movie. They watch another of Bokuto's favorite Disney movies, Encanto, as they munch on popcorn. Bo's arm is around Akaashi's shoulder and Akaashi's hand is massaging Bo's thigh absently when Akaashi's phone dings.

Akaashi picks up the device, expecting to see some junk, but his eyes go wide as he stares at the phone. His heart starts thudding wildly in his chest and he is frozen with apprehension. After a moment, Bokuto notices.

"Keiji? What's wrong?"

Akaashi tears his eyes from his phone and looks at Bo, his eyes still wide and his mouth gaping open.

"It's... it's an email. From the university."

"Oh," answers Bo. "You should read it!"

Bo pauses the movie and looks at Akaashi expectantly.

"I can't," Akaashi whispers.

"Why not? I'm sure it's good news."

"No, it's probably not. They probably don't want me. And it will probably say something like 'are you high for even thinking we'd take you'."

Bokuto takes Akaashi's hand. "I don't really think universities put that sort of thing in letters, Keiji. And besides, it's a quick response. I'm sure it's good!"

"A quick response could be bad just as easily as good."

Bokuto frowns at him. "Why are you so bent on putting yourself down, Keiji? You know I don't like it."

Akaashi looks away, ashamed. "I know, Kotaro, but... I'm scared. What if they don't want me?"

"If they don't, then it's their loss. And then we'll look for another university that's much better than this stupid one. And you'll apply there."

Akaashi looks at his boyfriend, hardly believing he's real. "You're very sweet, Ko," he offers, leaning over to kiss Bo's scruffy cheek.

"Well, are you going to read it?"

"Do I have to?"

Bo chuckles. "Yes, eventually."

"Will you? Will you read it for me?"

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Yes, please, Ko. It will be easier if I hear the rejection in your voice."

Bokuto tsks. "It's not going to be a rejection, Keiji, I'm sure of it."

"Okay, well, we'll see."

Akaashi unlocks his device and hands the phone to Bo, who opens the mail app and clicks on the link from the university. It only takes a fraction of a second for a huge grin to spread across his face.

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