September 2, 1987

50 3 0

AmErica is online

AmErica: hey nerds
AmErica: I need your opinion

Everyone is online

SlightlyGayForWill: what? It's 2 a.m.

AmErica: exactly. Lookie is asleep, so I say w ambush him
GayAuntRobin: with spray cheese

#1mom: what, have you two been plotting this together or something?

NancyDrew: maaaaybe
NancyDrew: they told me last night. We're sleeping over at Erica's

AmErica: and I just wanna know if we should use spray cheese or stickystring

MadMax: oh, definitely both. But if I had to choose... The cheese
MadMax: if that's even what you said. I'm blind in one eye and partially blind in the other, so I have no clue.

GayAuntRobin: will do. All systems are a-go. Nance is gonna film this for you guys.


Meanwhile, at the Sinclair Household...

 "Alright, I got my camera. You got the cheese, Erica?"

 " Yep. And Robin has the sticky string. Let's go! "

They had formulated a plan- Lucas always woke up a 5:45 for a run, but they were impatient, so they set it back an hour. When he finally woke up... well, it was less "controlled chaos" and more "ahhhhhhhh", if you know what I mean.

But the video Nancy Wheeler got made it all worth i t.

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