You, me, and him makes three

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"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Oh shit" Dacre groaned out as he came in his hand. The water from his shower mixing with the cum and washing down the drain.

Dacre had wanted you since he had laid eyes on you. The one problem was that you were never alone so he couldn't talk to you. So he settled on jerking off while thinking of you.

It had been horrible. You plaguing his every thought. Whether he was awake or asleep. Dacre started taking long cold showers just to calm down. It took him longer to get off every time.

It got even worse when you moved into the room right next to his. The walls were so thin he could hear you and that vibrator ever once in a while. Dacre was just glad you and the douche you called a boyfriend split up. He doubted that he wouldn't beat the guy if he had to listen to you two one more night.

It wasn't that it took forever it was more so that he knew you never finished. It was like five minutes then he was done and left you to finish his job. Oh what Dacre would give to show you how a real man fucks.

The other thing he couldn't stand was the fights. Your ex would pick fights over stupid shit and call you every name in the book. It made Dacre's blood boil every time but he never wanted to make things worse.

Dacre got out of the shower and dried off pulling on some boxers before making his way to his bed. He knew tonight was going to be a long night as he had heard you two fighting earlier about something. He settled into bed laying on his back.

He could hear the faint ding of your phone going off every few minutes. Then he heard muffled moaning. Dacre was beyond confused now because it sounded like your ex but he knew he wasn't here.

Then he heard another person moaning and laughing. It was female but definitely not you. Dacre laid there trying to figure it out. You had opened your door and made your way to Dacre's room. You knew he was home because you heard him in the shower.

You had always had a thing for the Australian but didn't want to ruin your friendship. Whenever you used your blue vibrator you thought of him. You also hoped he thought of you in the shower.

There was a soft knock on Dacre's door that made him sit up.

"Come in." Dacre yelled hoping it was you. You opened the door and slowly made your way inside. The smell of Dacre's cologne hit you.

"Everything alright Y/n?" Dacre asked you carefully.

"Not really. I was hoping that I could stay with you tonight. If that's ok?" I mumbled out hopeful that he would agree.

"Sure. Come here you." Dacre threw the covers off the other side of the bed for you. You crawl into Dacre's bed and he pulls you a little closer.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks slowly.

"My ex was sending me videos of him and his new girl." I say sniffling.

"Videos? What kind of videos?" Dacre turns to look at you. Trying to piece together what was making you so upset.

"They were sex videos. He sent me videos of him screwing his new girl while she made fun of me." I mumbled quietly. Finally it made sense and it pissed him off. But he didn't express his anger. He just held you while you cried until you fell asleep.

He must have dosed off sometime after you did. He woke up suddenly when your hand brushed a crossed his stomach as you rolled away from him.
Your fingers moved over the waist band of his boxers. His dick instantly hardening at the gentle touch he so craved.

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