Mine and only mine

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*MINOR ASSAULT (just forced unwanted kiss and a grope)


No assault is ok of any kind and if any of my readers have gone through anything in the past or anything and you need to talk my inbox is always open and I am here to listen!




I woke up and listened. I guess I had dreamed the knocking.




I sat up and looked at my window. Billy. I got up and hurried a crossed the room to open the window. This had become a reoccurring thing lately. Billy and his dad would fight and Billy would come to me for comfort.

I opened the window and helped Billy climb inside my room. With one look I knew Neil had gotten physical with Billy. Billy's lip was split and he had a reddening mark on his left cheek. His knuckles were also very red and bloody.

Billy sat down on my bed and waited for me to clean him up. I went to the kitchen and grabbed Billy a beer and then wondered back to my room. I handed him the beer as I shut the door and went to grab the newly stocked first aid kit. I think I had to start buying stuff to fill it every week or so since becoming Billy's confidant.

He had already opened the beer and was currently chugging it while I gathered my supplies. I walked to his knees and kneeled in between his spread legs. I gently took his right hand into mine and started cleaning the Knicks and cuts on his knuckles. Billy just stared at me intently while I fixed him up.

Once I was done with his right hand I moved the beer can onto my nightstand so I could clean his other hand. I gently started to wipe the now crusting blood off the top of his hand. When I had finished cleaning the mess on his hands I stood up.

"Billy. I need you to take off your clothes for me." I said quietly. Mostly afraid that he was still reeling from whatever fight had occurred at the Hargrove residence.

"If you want me naked you just have to ask princess." Billy smirked at me but still stood and started undressing for me.

"Ha ha very funny. I need to wash these so the blood doesn't stain weirdo." I say to him smiling softly. I walked to the clothes bin and threw the bloody and dirty rags inside. Billy had finished undressing when I turned to face him. He handed me his jeans and shirt.

I placed them on my dresser so I could pull out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt for him to put on. I gave him the clothes and walked down the hall to the washer. I placed the shirt inside and laid the jeans out on top of the washer so I could spray stain remover on them. I put them inside and shut the door.

As I was putting the laundry soap in the machine a set of arms came around my waist. Billy had followed me and was showing me his appreciation.

"Y/n. I'm a little hungry. My dad didn't let me eat earlier." Billy whispered into my shoulder as he snuggled into me.

"Want some pizza? I think we might still have bread sticks." I say walking to the kitchen with Billy still attached to me. We got to the kitchen and Billy finally released me so I could walk around and get him food. I pointed to the chair closet to me and he blindly went to it and sat down.

I grabbed the pizza and bread sticks from the fridge and a plate from the cabinet. I placed 4 slices of pizza and 3 breadsticks on the plate to heat up. Let's face it this man eats way more then El and her friends which is a lot.

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