True loves kiss

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True loves kiss

Bucket's summary: one of the problems I ran into while writing sunlilly was since it's only from Raina's perspective anytime I knocked her out or put her out of commission I would have to "fade to black" so to speak so I'm taking the true loves kiss scene and putting it into Harry's perspective to put a better grasp on the scene and to push some chapter 19 foreshadowing (also this is fairly short and sappy as shit)

Takes place: Chapter 18

Primary POV: Harry Hook

I walked through the forest with Carlos, Jay, and Gil with Carlos's mutt dude sniffing out for Ben. Jay had tried to call Raina multiple times but it always went to voicemail and everytime it did the more "what if's" ran through my mind

"What if she got captured?"

I'd wonder

"No, Raina's capable, she wouldn't let Audrey get close to her"

I'd backtrack

"But what if she's hurt? Or cursed? Or... worse"

I'd spiral, we were deep in the forest and had stopped by some bushes, Jay and Gil were talking about tourney and traveling the world while Carlos stood by himself in deep thought, I couldn't help but mess with him, I ran my hook down the back of his head causing him to break his thought and flinch


He sighed stunned, I just laughed before I began to lapse into my "what if's"

"Thinking about Raina?"

Carlos asked


I hesitated

"It's Raina. I've never seen her without some kind of weapon, I'd be surprised if she wasn't ok"

He reassures me. Dude returns after walking off to hunt seeming eager

"I smell something! It might be Ben!"

The mutt exclaims

"Follow me!"

We follow dude and he found something alright, it just wasn't Ben... It was Raina, passed out on the forest floor, dagger still in hand


I gasped as I ran to her unconscious body checking for wounds, a breath, a pulse, anything, I just wanted to make sure she was still with me

"She's probably asleep"

Jay remarks

"But then how do we wake her up? We don't know how Audrey's spells work"

Carlos interjects

"You could just kiss her"

Gil suggests, we all turn to him as he stands confused

"What? Your always talking about how much you love her"

He defends

"It's worth a shot"

Carlos admits

"Alright, c'mon love"

I whisper, I hold Raina's face in my hands and lean in to kiss her, my lips lock with hers and I feel my heart race with anxiety, what if it doesn't work? What if she doesn't wake up? What if she's gone? Our lips part and I move one of my hands down to her chest and feel relieved to find her breathing under it as her dark brown eyes flutter open


I whisper


She asks weakly, my head drops as I let out a relieved chuckle

"Yeah... you alright?"

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