Senior scavenger hunt

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Bucket's summary: so one of the drawbacks of not reading all the books before writing sunlilly is I missed a lot of opportunity for extra content, so enjoy this little extra chapter based on a chapter from escape from the Isle of the lost

Takes place: between chapters 16 and 17

Primary POV: Raina Fitzherbert

It's Auradon Prep tradition that every year the seniors have a little secret scavenger hunt and whoever wins goes down in Auradon history and I intend to win this year. I teamed up with Jay and Lonnie which couldn't be better, Lonnie's an amazing strategist and me and Jay grew up committing several crimes so we couldn't be stopped. The scavenger hunt started and we immediately raced to cinderella's castle to get the first item on the list, a shard from her glass slipper, we made it to the castle and left our shoes in the car (it was cinderella's only request) and split up to start looking. I started in Chad's closet, he's proud of his legacy so it makes sense he would have some kind of "momento" but no dice, I went to search the next room when I got a text from Jay

"Think I found the shards, come to Cinderella and Charming's room"

I went to the room where Jay and Lonnie were sitting in Prince Charming's closet in front of a small safe with a keypad

"Ah, perfect"

I say with glee, I go over to the safe and examine the keypad

"Think you can open it?"

Jay asks

"Yup. Charming's incredibly sentimental so the code is probably an important date"

I explain, the three of us sit thinking of a significant date when Lonnie snaps her fingers and her eyes light up

"March 4th, the day he met Cinderella"

She announced


I go to the keypad and put in 304 opening the safe revealing a handful of glass slipper shards

"Have I ever mentioned I love you?"

I jest, we grab a shard and go back to the car

"What's next on the list?"

Jay asks as he starts driving away from the castle

"A petal from the golden flower... isn't that in the museum?"
Lonnie says

"No, we somehow managed to multiply them... I guarantee you my dad's got them"

I interject. We drive to my parent's castle in Corona and we run through the castle gardens to find my dad sitting on a bench with a handful of golden flower petals next to him

"Hi pops"

"Hey kid"

My dad waves and looks at me, Lonnie, and Jay

"May you please give us a flower petal father"
I ask

"First, you must answer three questions"

My dad raises a brow

"What are you, a bridge troll?"

My father laughs and begins his questions

"Question one, what was the exact date I met Rapunzel"

"November 4th, she knocked you out and shoved you in a closet"

I answer, my father nods


"Question two, what was my old name as a thief and where did it come from?"

Before me or Lonnie could even get a word out Jay answered in detail

"Flynn Rider, which came from the stories of Flynnigan Rider which you read to the fellow orphans before you ran away"

Jay answers

"Correct, last question, and Raina you can't answer this. What is Raina's middle name and why?"

Lonnie answered immediately

"Skylar, because the sundrop flower came from the sky so it was a nice little tie in and at least then she would have a nice middle name to avoid the whole Fitzherbert thing, though I believe on the Isle it was believed her middle name was genevieve because it sounded close to gothel"

"Well I can't attest to the second part but correct"

My father says

"Yeah, the second part's right"

I interjet

"How did the Genevieve thing happen anyway?"

Jay asks

"Because I didn't know my actual one so I just picked a name that sounded cool"

I respond, my father gives us the flower petal and we book it back to the car as another group of seniors runs in. The night goes on and we've done almost everything on the list except for one thing, kiss a prince, we made it to the finish line with chad, Ben, and Mal running behind us, now I wasn't about to kiss my cousin and there was only one other option

"Hey Chad!"

I yell, Chad turns around and I run over to him

"I'll kiss you as long as we pretend this never happened afterward"

Chad ponders until he nods his head in agreement

"Yeah sure"

Now here's the thing, I don't half ass anything so I pulled him and we locked lips as his hand quickly ran through my hair and I held him by the waist

"Never again?"

I say as we part


Chad assures as we race each other to the finish line, I practically slid to Carlos and Jane

"It's a tie!"

Carlos announces

"Good game"

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