Raina and Evie

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Bucket's summary: so this is a similar situation to Raina and Carlos; I alluded to a friendly relationship but didn't do much with it, so enjoy this little backstory of how Raina met Evie

Takes place: Between chapter 1 and 2

Primary POV: Raina Fitzherbert

I was a well known thief back on the Isle, if you had something shiny out in the open chances are I would take it, just take it and run. I couldn't be stopped, which did help me start a small stealing business. You tell me what you want and I'll see what I can find in exchange for like... 10-50 bucks. One of my best "clients' ' was probably the Evil Queen, she'd ask for small jewelry and hand mirrors so it was easy to get her what she wanted and because she lived so far away from everyone it gave me an excuse to not be home. One day when I was about 7 years old I was delivering some jewels and hand mirrors to the Evil Queen's place and knocked on the door to be met with a girl my age with long blue hair and dark brown eyes


I say skeptically

"Hi Raina"

The girl replied

"You know me?"

I ask, the girl looks at me and giggles

"You were at my birthday party last year, remember?"

I thought for a moment before it clicked

"Oh! Yeah, Evie right?"

Evie nodded and I went through my satchel and pulled out my haul

"Well, give these to your mother and tell her it will be $40"

I say as I pass Evie the pile of jewelry

"Isn't that a little expensive?"

Evie debates

"Yeah well the stab wound in my shoulder says otherwise... bye"

I'm about to walk away when Evie gently places her hand on my injured shoulder

"Wait... I can fix your jacket"

Evie offers, her eyes shift to my shoulder where my jacket sleeve was tattered and frayed with some little blood stains around it

"Uh... yeah, sure"

I hand Evie my jacket and a couple dollars from my satchel

"Oh, no need"

Evie puts the cash back in my hand

"Do you want any payment?"

I ask

"Well... if you could get me a necklace or two"

Evie trails off

"Yeah sure, when do you want them?"



I walk off and leave Evie with my jacket and a pile of jewels, on my walk home I stopped by the bazaar to scope out the jewels and I see a beautiful heart shaped ruby necklace on a gold chain with lopsided gold rings around the gem, it was the perfect payment...but I was injured and in public so I couldn't heal my wound and grab it, but lucky for me Jafar's store wasn't to far away. I go to Jafar's store and find Jay napping under a flimsy shelf of televisions, I get down on the floor and repeatedly poke his shoulder

"Jay... Jay...Jay"

I whisper, Jay turns around and groans


He asks

"I need your help"

Jay raises an eyebrow

"You being chased?"




"Then why do you need my help?"

He asks, drifting back to sleep

"I need help stealing something, all you gotta do is lie down"

I say

"Go on"

Jay replies

"Just pass out in the street so people try to take your shit so I can steal a necklace"

I continue, Jay ponders the offer before crawling out from under the shelf

"I'm in"

We go into the bazaar and put our plan into action, Jay "passes out" and I sneak under the stand with the necklace on display while the merchant goes to steal from the presumably unconscious Jay, I grab the necklace and sneak back out from under the stand just as Jay gets back up, he nods to me and book it home before the jewel merchant notices the necklace is gone. The next day I go back to the Evil Queen's castle and Evie meets me at the door and hands me my jacket and the $40 from yesterday's delivery

"Good as new"

Evie says cheerfully as she hands me my repaired jacket, she had cleaned off the blood and had patched up the hole, it looked like it hadn't even been torn in the first place


I take my jacket and dig into my satchel and hand Evie the ruby necklace, her eyes light up as she holds it in her hands

"It's beautiful! How'd you get it?"

She asks

"I make money by stealing...what do you think?"

I say bluntly, Evie nods her head as I put on my jacket

"You like it?"

Evie smiles while gripping the necklace in her hands


I go to leave when Evie once again gently grips my shoulder

"Hey, I know my mom asked you for some more jewelry... Maybe I'll see you again?"

Evie suggests

"Uh yeah...maybe"

I made a good friend that day 

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