"My Darling,"

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"I...I don't want him to be the one who gets to call you his wife. I want to call you my wife."

Scenario -1- (for female ocs)

Goddess of Love, beauty and...Other passionate things. Engaged to the best blacksmith to ever exist. Only...While he was wonderful with a hammer, he beat oc's heart until it shattered.

Oc was engaged to a god she held no romantic interest towards, instead she longed for the warm embrace of a scarred and battered body. She longed for {Crush's name}, the god of War.

While he may be rough around the edges and many people saw him as an egotistical jerk...Oc saw the soft side of him. He had bared his soul to her after a long, hard war as she treated his wounds, and she couldn't help but fall head over heels for him.

But the problem remained, oc was engaged and the king of the gods was not letting oc break off the engagement, no matter how much they pleaded and begged, and soon, the wedding came.

{Crush's name} had left oc a few months before to another war, returning the day of the wedding. Just as the priest asked, "If anyone shall dare abject, speak now, or forever hold your peace." The sound of metal boots hitting the ground filled the silence.

"I abject."

Scenario -2- (for female ocs)

Oc was free...Her now ex fiancé was long behind her, and she was free! She no longer had to marry a god she did not love!

Oc was so happy that they ran through a field, laughing off their head and soon tripping down hill, rolling down the field of grass and flowers, grinning as she rolled to a stop.

"What has you so happy?" Oc looked up, eyes widening as they were met with the sight of {Crush's Name} peering down at her from his horse, confusion written in his features.

Scenario -3- (For male ocs.)
The same for the first scenario, except oc will be in place of Ares and {Crush's name will be Aphrodite.)

Scenario -4- (for male ocs)
The same as the second scenario, except oc will be in place of Ares and {Crush's name will be Aphrodite.)

Scenario -5-
Make it up! Get creative and come up with your own version of Aphrodite and Ares' love story!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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