Chapter 13

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(Michael's P.O.V)

This couch was so much more comfortable when Lauren sat on it with me. My day was so much better when Lauren was there with me. But she's not with me she's in London and she said she would come home soon, but I don't know anymore she said she would call me later and she hasn't yet when will she. I feel like somethings off about Ryan but I hope she would tell me if anything bad happened to her.

(Lauren's P.O.V)

Why can't anything about me be normal? why can't I have a normal life know normal people? Why can't I be back in Australia with my friends who actually did care about me even if I didn't think so? What will happen when they find out about this? All I care about right now is getting out of this room before Ryan decides to play with me. That's the one thing that I won't let happen of all the things that he could do he wouldn't do that would he?

I guess I have to get used to this room is I'm going to be tied to bed for a while. Then I hear my phone ring! My ring tone! If it's Michael what would he say to Ryan? I just need to calm down and listen to what he's saying

"Hello Lauren's phone" Ryan says the person on the other line

"Oh hello Michael, would you like to talk to Lauren?" Was he really going to let me talk to him?

"one minute." Ryan walks into the room with the phone in his hand he takes it away from his ear and covers the speaker.

"Don't say anything about this you are fine you don't tell him that your like this otherwise you will pay." He pressed the phone to my ear and then I heard Michael's voice fill my ear

"Hey Lauren, how are you?"The way he asked it was like he was afraid of breaking me

"Help me Michael I need help he won't let me leave." I start to cry and Ryan takes the phone from my ear and slaps me across the face

"I told you not to tell him!!" He hissed

"Michael" I scream before he hung up my phone and threw it across the room. I start to sob uncontrollably as I just lay there not being able to move. Michael isn't going to be able to do anything about it. He doesn't even know what is happening right now how will he help me?

Ryan comes up next to me and whispers in my ear "Now your gonna pay"

What is he going to do to me?

(Michael's P.O.V)

"LuKe!!!" I scream I try not to show any emotions before I can tell something happened

"Yeah Mike" He yelled back

"It's Lauren.... she was screaming for help when I called" my throat closed up when I said this and I can't help feel panicked and dizzy all at the same time.

"wait what, no that can't be right. What exactly did she say" I can tell Luke was trying not to panic, in very short time he has known Lauren she was already like a sister to him, he wasn't always the best at making friends so Lauren was a big deal to him.

"She said 'Help me Michael, I need help he won't let me leave' or something like that" I got up and started to pace the room "shit Luke what do I do I can't go to England"

"Just call up the London police and report the crime and if you don't I will who knows what Ryan is capable of." Luke says rushing over to the computer to look up the number 0-xxx-xxx-xxxx (I know you may not to be able to do this for real but go along with it please)

I call the number up and someones answers within 2 rings

"report a crime here" the lady rings in the phone

"I have this friend and she's in trouble she's staying with a enemy of mine and he isn't letting her leave I'm worried about her." I speak through the phone trying not to crack or start crying

"What is this person's name so we can track him down?" she asks

"His name is Ryan, Ryan Hemmings"

"Thank you sir we will see what we can do" and with that the phone went dead



OMG Ryan Hemmings!!!!!!!

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Bad is the new normal... (In editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant