Chapter 19

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My heart dropped, my body froze, I was a combination of scared and shocked all the same time. What was Michael doing here, did he follow us? Oh no. This isn't good, I feel like I'm about to puke, or faint, or die at the same time. My sobbing still hasn't slowed down and if anything, it just got worse from seeing Michael.

"Shit"I heard Beth whisper

"Why are you here?" he demanded

I couldn't answer I just shook and cried harder and harder my lungs felt like they were going to collapse, I could barley catch my breath. I guess Michael noticed my struggle, and walked over to me, lifting me onto his lap.

"baby" he cooed while rocking me back and forth trying to calm me down. I buried my head in his chest crying harder. "shhhh Lauren stop crying please" he hugged me tighter kissing the top of my head while still rocking me

"why are you crying baby?" he asked so softly like he was scared I was going to break down again

"I-i-I don't know what happened... wh-while I was at-at Ryans" I sobbed and he just looked at me like he was broken inside just like me.

"No" he let a couple of tears slip out himself pulling me closer. "It's all my fault I shouldn't have let you go I should of tried harder to stop you from leaving with that ass." he cried holding onto me like I was slipping away.

"It's not your fault" I tell him softly

"Miss. your ambulance is here you can only take the other girl with you, a for the boy he can meet you at the hospital" The nurse said making my heart drop I have to go find out what happened now and there is no going back.

Michael stood up placing me on my feet giving me one lat big hug and placing another kiss on the top of my head "I'll meet you there baby I promise." He said at that point Beth had my hand and was helping me walk outside because I was so weak from crying so much.



I was sitting in the waiting room in the hospital with Beth, when Michael and Ashton came storming in looking as worried as ever. As soon as they saw me and Beth still sitting in the waiting room they looked relieved. Michael looked like he was just run over by a bus, his eyes were red and puffy and he could barley keep himself standing up. He automatically sat in the open seat next to me wresting his head on my shoulder and intertwining our fingers together.

"Miss. Jacobson we have a room ready for you" The nurse calls setting me into a shocked state of mind, my head and body are numb all I feel is he buzzing of people around me, everything goes black.




I look around, white walls, white bed, everything around me is white. I hear a faint beeping noise which is the heart monitor I was connected to. My room was a fair size with its own bathroom on the other side of the room, it had 5 chairs only one was filled, in it was Michael. Michael was peacefully sleeping in a chair right next to my bed, he looked as if he just feel asleep a couple of minutes ago. As I try to sit up a aching pain shoots straight though my back, to my neck making me let out a small scream. It was only loud enough for me to hear, or so I thought. Michael's eyes shot open and looked directly towards my bed, his usual bright green orbs were dull, they were filled with pain and tiredness. Even though Michael looked like hes been through a living hell, he didn't fail to smile when he saw I was looking at him.

"You're finally awake" He smiled moving his chair closer to my bed letting out a little yawn while standing up, hes so perfect I can't even describe the way I feel when hes with me, everything is just so much better. His smile was breathtaking, if I could, I would look at Michael smile all day long.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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