1. Eternity

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Act 1.

Dreams of those who lived a full of cruelty life do not shine bright, they are fading in blues of dark emotions. Those who never experienced life are  the fools, being deceived by world of dreams which is fully under their control, but they are not able to understand that. The masters of their sea. Their dreams are full of wisdom and beauty. Dreams of those who understood their power, the concentration of knowledge of mind anarchy. 

  Open your golden eyes and witness the morning. Your Highness.

Animals shouted to princess, and every creature that had a little ray of life, given by the sun went to her, wishing to bring her back from the world of dreams.

    Smell of sky blue flowers took her Highness to the world of hidden wisdom. To the world, which existed only in her mind. To the world, where only her mind exists. The Red Sun will bring the golden flowers. But who will have to cut life of the flowers, to bring this life to those who fell into a world of their horrible fantasies.

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