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I hear the crack of the whip again, crashing on my back. It's made out of silver. I can tell.

I'm bent over receiving the beating. There's nothing I can do. As the clock sounds to signify the start of a new hour, he tells them to continue.

I can't feel my skin at this point. Almost as if I've been disconnected from my body. I can't tell if it hurts but I can feel the beads of sweat rolling down every inch of my body cooling what I can only assume is my flaming skin.

"Continue..." my dad says, totally emotionless.

He doesn't expect tears from me and if I do cry, he makes them go harder.

I hate him but I won't ever show it. He taught me that. Forget your emotions and mask them so that your enemies may not use them against you.

So I don't show anything. No crinkles in my forehead. Not an uneven breath because if I do, he wins. Never again.

They keep hitting me. I've lost the concept of time. I came down here when it was light out. It's still light out and I feel like I should be asleep but I'm not.

Suddenly it stops.


It hasn't been an hour yet.


It sounds fuzzy to me. My head whips to the side from the force of a slap. It stings and I almost make a sound but keep my composure. No.

"Yes father?" I don't look up to meet his eyes. If he does not tell me to, I do not.

"Look at me." It's a trick. He doesn't mean it.

I practically feel him smirk. Asshole.

"Good girl." He creeps me out.

"Hand me the whip..." he says and I feel myself sharply take in a breath. Shit. If he heard me, he doesn't show it.

He wraps his hand around my throat and tightens his grip. He's choking me but if I react it will be so much worse than it is already. So I don't.

I let him strangle me and I feel the air being cut off and I feel myself getting lightheaded and I feel my body collapse on the floor, the air rushing back into my lungs.

Show nothing.

I take a few shaky breaths but that's about as much as I can do. And then it starts.

He hits me with the whip and this one is much harder. I feel the tears springing into my eyes and my lip trembles but I refuse to make a sound.

He keeps hitting me. The sound of the whip echoing throughout my shaking bones.

He hits the same point over and over again. Harder and harder and I see a pool of red starting to form around me.

Please stop. All I can make now are tiny groans and whimpers but I won't ask him out loud.

"Tell me to stop, Bella."

No. Don't call me that.

"Tell me!"

No. No. No.


"Stop! For God's sake." I cry, the tears freely falling now. He won.

"Ur weak." he growls, grabbing my hair so tight I can feel them coming out of their follicles.

I say nothing. I'm trembling. He's right. I am weak. She would never do this. She would never surrender.

He drops me on the floor again and storms out. I see the elves coming in. I suppose I'm fainting again which is not the ideal situation when your dad literally hates you but hey, free healthcare.

I feel my eyelids growing heavier, the darkness becoming darker. I feel everything and nothing all at once.

I want to die.



Heart And EmpireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora