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I wake up in a circle of dried blood which sounds really graphic in theory but it means the wounds have had time to heal.

I groan, rolling just enough to see a small head beside my bed effectively scaring me out of whatever momentary bliss I was in.

"The Master sends for you."

"Thanks Fara."

I smile at her and she smiles back. Well I've always assumed she was a her but when I asked, (it) she didn't answer.

"Stop thinking about my gender young master. I'm never going to tell you." She smirks.

Damn her and her mind reading. She rolls her eyes.

Fara's my designated house elf. I love her. Well about as much as you can love an elf. She's like my very own sibling and, bonus point, she's literally the only elf who doesn't hate me here.

I drag myself out of the sheets, taking care not to look back at the already familiar sight. I hate blood and the fact that it's my own makes it only slightly better.

I know my dad is waiting for me but he would kill me if I showed up to a summoning dirty. Literally.

So I hop in the shower making sure I get enough water on my back to heal the wounds. There's just something about the water here.

The scars never fully heal though. They just leave white lines in place of them. Better than being covered in gashes constantly.

It's a rushed shower. Shampoo, soap, teeth. Done.

I step out to see Fara covering her eyes. I don't know why she does this. She sees me naked everyday. If anything I think it should be a privilege to see such beauty so regularly.

"Yes. Despite you being so beautiful young master, I wish you'd put some clothes on before you come out of the bathroom." She's being sarcastic.


She waddles out of the room, leaving me to dress up.


Approximately an hour after my dad first called me, I'm standing in front of the giant oak door leading into his office.

Such a beautiful place for such an ugly person. There are other elves in here but they can't read my mind because I don't let them. Only Fara.

"Come in, Bella."

That's not my name, dumbass.

Nevertheless, I walk in and stand beside him as is my duty as a daughter and stuff like that.

In here are three other leaders out of the five. I never really bothered to know their names but I knew that they were allies of my dad and that was good enough. I didn't care much otherwise.

"Are you listening, Bella?"

That stunned me back into reality and I shook my head. This was definitely going to get me a beating.

"No, sorry. Please repeat yourself."

There was a collection of sighs as if everyone was tired of me. Guess what I'm tired of you guys too so there.

I've wanted to roll my eyes so many times and I've been here for less than five minutes. These people will be the death of me.

"Well, Irabel..."

At least someone knows my name.

" ... you know there are five kingdoms correct?"

I nod. Shockingly, I'm not an idiot.

"We want you to kill the son of the last of us. The Fawnings."

They're dangerous and that was vague. No explanation?


The one that was talking glances nervously at my dad, unsure of what to do. These are your partners dad? Really?

My dad grabs my neck and whispers in my ear.

"Because they said so."

Calm down old man. I just want to know why.

"They don't want to join our alliance."

Oh you mean the one that enslaves all your subjects and allows you to treat them like shit? I wonder why.

I nod again, not signaling that he should continue but instead that I understand but he continues anyways.

"This means that-"

"I'll do it. No need for further explanation."

They look relived but almost surprised that I agreed so fast. Well obviously, the psycho is here. Get it together guys.

"Thank you."

I nod again, looking at my father and asking if I should go.

"You can leave Bella."

Stop fucking calling me that, I think as I close the door.

It's a quick walk to my room. No one really says hello but they all bow. Sort of a respect thing and definitely not a friendship thing. Pretty sure they all hate me.

They think I'm like him but they've never really spoken to me or given me the chance to prove myself so I don't bother. If they wanted to be my friends they would try.

I enter my room and see Fara packing a bag. She must have known of this. Betrayed by my own elf.

"I did not betray you, young master."

"Jeez man. Could you at least pretend not to be reading my mind every second?"

"You know very well that you can turn it off if you so please young master."


I fall on the bed, causing some things to fall out of the bag which she scrambles to pick up.

Life is frustrating and I just want to rest. I wish I could tell my dad that but I'm too much of a coward. I'm too weak.

I feel Fara climbing onto the bed and help her up. I assume with little legs it must not be easy. It's almost comical how she was flailing about.

"I'm trying to help here young master. I'd appreciate it if you didn't make fun of my 'little legs'."


I whisper a sorry.

"Look, I know this must be hard for you with your dad and all and I'm not going to lie to you that he loves you. We both know he doesn't-" she chuckles.

"-but I promise you when you get back I will get him to give you the best holiday ever.

I raise my eyebrow.

"How exactly?"

Seems like she didn't think up to this part.

"I'll... write a strongly worded... letter."

And I start giggling then chuckling then I absolutely lose it because that is the most fucking ridiculous plan I've ever heard.

There's tears in my eyes and she's looking at me like she's at me like she's at least happy I got a last laugh before I left.

I give her a hug because she and I both know that she'd be dead if she tried.

"I love you Fara and I've told you to call me Irabel."

She smiles fondly at me as I pick up the now full bag.

"Don't die... Irabel."

I'll try.

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