Chapter 3

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Everything is fine.

I am fine.

Sabito POV

Giyu's breathing had finally slowed down. Now he was curled up in my lap, burying his face in the crook of my neck. His breathing had calmed entirely and he fell asleep.
"I see now why the young master trusts you so much." I jumped at the sudden voice and turned around. Uppermoon 2, Doma stood in the doorway. "Kawaii~ (cute) Akaza-dono is never like that with me." He said in a whiney voice. Giyu shivered in my arms. Giyu always reacts to people's auras. He says he can sense how powerful people are, their breathing style or blood art and what their feeling. I'm guessing Giyu is feeling what he describes as a powerful, icey aura. As uppermoon 5, I stood no chance if I got him enraged. (Yea, no. I have no idea who uppermoon 5 really is so their getting replaced with Sabito. Someone tell me who uppermoon 5 is please.)

Giyu POV

I awoke due to a powerful icey aura. I opened my eyes and saw Doma-sama standing infront of me and Sabito. Waves of jealousy radiated off of uppermoon 2.
"Hello Doma-sama. What are you doing in my chambers?" Doma's attention was now trained onto me. "I believe my father said that only Sabito and himself have permission to enter here." I said, standing up. Doma's composure may have made it seem like he wasn't afraid but his eyes and aura betrayed his true emotion. Fear. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to be stripped of your rank. Would you?"

Doma POV

Fucking hell is the young master scary. I mean, I know he takes after his father but still! The odd thing is that he's never used his full power. What I mean by that is he always seems to be holding back. Or unable to use it. Because, how else would the son of the demon king keep getting injured? I bowed. "I am very sorry young master. I must get going anyway." I smiled nervously and left. The door shut behind me. Now, another question without an answer. Why does the young master never eat human?
Unless... "Unless what?"

Muzan POV

Uppermoon 2 jumped and turned around to face me. "Master Muzan! What are you doing here!?" I chuckled lowly. "I came up here to check on my son. What are you doing here? And what are you thinking about?" I smirked. Doma's eyes were glancing around wildly, as if he was trying to find an escape. "I'm sorry if this may seem as rude Master Muzan but why doesn't the young master eat human?" He asked nervously. At least he said something instead of being a coward. "Giyu is special. He can restore his energy by sleeping. Therefore he doesn't have to eat humans. Happy?" Doma nodded frantically.
Yes Master Muzan. I'll be going now Master Muzan." And with that he ran off.
I sighed. I don't know how Giyu got an immunity for the hunger the rest of us demons get but I can't stop thinking about how I first found him. I had pulled him out of a lake but he was in their for so long that the cold and the water in his lungs had harmed him so much he would've died. Luckily I turned him into a demon and adopted him.

He was the first being to spark emotion in me after 1,000 years

~578 words~

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