Chapter 4

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He was the first being to spark emotion in me after 1,000 years

Muzan POV

The day I found Giyu is one of the clearest things in my memory. It was the middle of winter and I had entered a small village to find food. One home looked destroyed, as if a demon had already been there. There were people walking around and doing their business, ignoring the home as if it didn't exist. Some children ran from the south of the village laughing. I went down where I saw them come from and came to a river. It was almost entirely frozen over save for a giant man-made hole. I looked inside the hole and my heart stopped.

A child. Black hair and a crimson haori. The things face was pale and his lips were tinged blue. My heart had swelled with unknown emotion. I pulled him out of the lake, onto my lap and gently injected a small amount of my blood into the boy in hopes of saving him. Sure enough, a little colour returned to his face and his lips turned into a paler blue. He looked at me with his ocean blue eyes and for the first time since becoming the demon king, I felt love and a strong urge to protect the boy. He went on to tell me everything. How his name was Giyu. That his sister was killed by a demon. And that it was the village children that drowned him. I couldn't help but clutch him tightly in my arms.

I vowed to never let a human hurt him again.

I took him under my wing and showed him the ways of demons, my people. We went on many so called 'adventures', Giyu learning everything he needed to know. I remember the day he passed out on on little trip. I panicked so much that I refused for any other demon to come near the both of us, harming any that didn't listen. It was then that Giyu's peaceful nature was revealed. I was surprised, to say the least. A demon that doesn't eat humans? Those slayers would have a hard time working that one out. I told Kagaya, my 'family'. He was mildly surprised and happy for Giyu. He swore to protect Giyu to the best of his abilities. That is the only thing he will and has ever done to me that I will hold gratefulness to. Everything else he does is against me and my existence. But those new hashira exist. Those hashira hurt Giyu. Kagaya went against his words. I do not and will not forgive anyone, man or demon, who harms my son.

I will kill them all

453 words

Backstory time woooo
Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I know it's annoying so I deeply apologize. But I hope you have enjoyed this!

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