Things Happen On The Other Realm Too

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As the Io realm was filled with joy and celebration, the Eo realm was as sceptical, egoistic yet luxurious as ever. People used to offer the heavenly creatures with whatever offerings they had no matter how rich or poor they were. Eo realm was filled with offerings, jewelleries and beautiful heavenly creatures who sung and danced with happiness. Lord White had a vision to make Eo the most wealthy n prosperous of realms and he had successfully done so.

The Eo realm had celestial objects but their most precious belonging wasn't celestial objects but the Crescent Angels Clan itself. The Crescent Angels boasted beauty like no other. Their wings were shimmering as if made up of diamonds and the beginning of each wing was a golden hue surrounded by sparkles. The clan held beauty like no other and were said to be the most powerful creatures who could rival the Golden Bird's Clan.

Lord White had married the Queen of Crescent Angels Clan and they after 5 years of their arranged marriage had finally given birth to a beautiful girl with goddess like appearance and a radiant aura. The Lord and Ladyship had been married and had lived their life to the fullest. They had married in 97,030 Angelic Calen (A.C.) and their offspring Angel Lyra who was born on 97,035 A.C. had married within the Eo realm when she turned 120 years of age with King Opal from another angel clan. After turning 550 years Lyra gave birth to a beautiful child who was more prettier than her and possessed multiple new powers and talents. But in the angel world every child born was born as a see-through pearl and needed around 450 years to actually become human-like angelic being. Lord White lived long enough to witness his pearl granddaughter and blessed her with the jade zither for when she would be born.

During the remaining 450 years of reign, Lyra and Opal worked together to stop sending angel turnt demons who spread hatred as demons amongst humans in order to stop the war between any existing demons and angels from Io and Eo ralms. They even stumbled upon Myth and Cosmos one day who were out on a hunt dressed up in human form. Lyra sensed Cosmos's scent and soon after asked Cosmos her identity. She said, "Miss are you a powerful angel of some sort?"to Cosmos. Myth overhearing the conversation revealed his true form and asked Lyra,"Who are you and how do you know of her identity?" Lyra calmly revealed herself and replied to Myth, "So you are the Lord from the Golden Demon Birds Tribe?". Myth nodded and Lord Opal explained to them how they were from Io and wanted to end war between demons and angels. Myth asked Opal, " Why do you think we will agree to that?". Opal said to Myth ,"If you wanted to seek vengeance, I'm sure you would have attacked us and won but you didn't."

Myth with a mysterious smile then said to Opal, "Indeed I wanted revenge but for me, kind and innocent lives are much more important over years old wars and endless suffering." Opal surprised at this reaction then said,"Then I shall propose peace, justice and friendship Lord Myth, would you accept?". Myth then brought out a contract which stated friendship, peace and no more war between immortals nor between mortals and immortals. Opal obliged and both the Lords signed on the contract with their blood. According to both angel and demon customs, if both races shared a contract of great importance it was to be signed using the respective immortals blood and if anyone of them didn't follow the contract then they would perish.

While the Lords we talking, Lady Cosmos and Lady Lyra spoke about the worlds they lived in and about their powers and clans.
Cosmos who never knew of her clan also figured out how her clan had died due to unknown reasons and how all her clan members bestowed her all their powers when she was in her mother's womb. She also got to know that she was the most powerful of angelic creatures and the story on how her mother sent her to mortal realm in order to prevent the curse from falling upon her.
The ladies had a great time and became good friends over the years.

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