96. Kuroaka

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Main pairing: [Past] Akaashi Keiji x Kuroo Tetsuro

Other pairing(s): [Past/Barely] Kuroken (Kuroo Tetsuro x Kozume Kenma)

Warnings: Angst / Cheating

Time: Kuroo's 3rd year / Akaashi's 2nd year

Notes: I love Kuroo, but he's an asshole here, so beware :)


*In Akaashi and Kuroo's private messages*

Kuroo: keiji

Akaashi: you don't get to call me that

Kuroo: oh come on jiji

Kuroo: what have i done to deserve this

Akaashi: do you want a list?

Akaashi: sure, i've got time

Akaashi: 1.you cheated on me with kenma

Akaashi: 2.you didn't even TELL him that we were dating

Akaashi: 3.i found out because HE told me, not you

Akaashi: 4.he felt like shit after i told him that we were dating, so he went and told you that you two couldn't work

Akaashi: 5.you broke up with me to be with him

Akaashi: 6.he rejected you because once a cheater, always a cheater

Akaashi: 7.and now you have the boldness to march back up here to ask me to go out with you again

Akaashi: there you go, a short version of everything you did to deserve my attitude in the last 4 days.

Akaashi: 4 days, mind you, not even a week.

Kuroo: oh come on sweetheart, can't you forgive me?

Akaashi: my finger is hovering over the block button

Kuroo: ok, fine

Kuroo: yes, kenma didn't want to go out with me even after i broke up with you to be with him

Kuroo: and yes, so i'm coming back to you

Kuroo: so what?

Kuroo: i've come back to you, haven't i?

Kuroo: you might be my second choice, but at least you're a choice

-Akaashi has blocked Kuroo-

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