Chapter 1. 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟.

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In the early 1890's, a watery beast roamed the Duskgloom Sea. The early Republicans were afraid to go out onto the waters, crab and other seafood supplies ran low because of it.

There used to be a local fisherman. An old lad; had spread many of his tales among the schoolchildren, telling them that he, himself had seen the horrendous beast. Many of the parents had told him to stay away from their kids, he had been plaguing their minds with such false stories.

And, to prove a point, he left for the Duskgloom sea. And never returned.

A week after his disappearance, none of the other Republicans had risen an eyebrow.

A trail of blood and crumbs sparked their fear the next day.

And rumours spread like wild fire. One claimed he had been eaten by sharks, another claimed he died of natural causes.

I mean, he was old after all. But how would it answer all those missing parts?

So many cookies were certain it was that pesky squid. But, they only wanted treasure. Would they really go that far to kill and rip apart a cookie?

Or perhaps... perhaps.


February 22nd, 1892

Captain Caviar opened one eye and sighed. After Oyster had 'accidentally' broken a crucial part of his beloved ship, The Salty Shark, he couldn't sail safely. And not only that, he had to show all those pussys there's nothing that dangerous in the water.

Of course, you must be talking about other seas.

" captain," his trusty companion, a republic sailor (YK THE BLUE HAIRED ONE) stood by the door of his office "I have some eye-widening news that I know you'll interested in."

The captain sighed once more. "Surprise me."

"A fisherman-"

"Ya mean the local crackhead that's always spreadin' those crack ass tales?"

"-ah yes. Him. Well, you see... we found remains of him not too long ago. And- you'll be interested in this- it was all found in the water."

Captain Caviar abruptly stood up. "Poppycock. Everyone has been such a pussy that they can't even put a single toe in the damn water."

"N-No, my captain! I can assure you! If you like, I can show you the site of where he was found."

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, mate. Take me there; it won't be that bad, surely."


"Oh did I mention it trails to the Duskgloom Sea?"

If he was to continue sighing, he'd surely grow wrinkles. "Really now. How yknow?"

RS: "...I was told. But I myself truly believe-"

CC:"P O P P Y C O C K."

RS: "I'm sorry- what does that even bloody mean."

CC: "I only like saying it cos- cos uh... it means nonsense, lad."

RS: "...right."

CC: "Stay on topic! Remains- god! What is that un-heavenly smell?!"

RS: "Sir. Your right beside it."

Captain Caviar looked to his side and gagged. The crumbs smelled, yes; but the massive hole on the side of the fisherman's head with blood and parts of brain continuously spilling out could get any cookie nauseous.

The captain got back to his breath and retrieved his normal composure. "This is what was so interesting?"

The republican sailor nodded. "Yes, but there's something else..." he picked up a sharp spear and poked the head around, until it faced them, "Besides the obnoxious face... there appears to be black gunk on the cheeks and in his mouth. There's also a good amount at the back of this head. Now tell me captain- and be honest with me- what really could of done this?"

He thought for a moment. 'what really could of done this?' There we're so many myths floating around He couldn't be certain; but perhaps, perhaps...

"That mythical squid. Y'know- what do they call it round here- right. Squid Ink. Dainty little fella. Coulda torn up the boat and this guy here. Thing has no aim. At all."

But the sailor only shook his head in dismay. "Why so upset? The true culprit is truly-"

"But its not. If it was, they'd be suction marks/ wounds, clearly. Same if it was a giant octopus, or- using your logic- a cuttlefish. But it isn't any of those...look." He trailed the spear down to the fisherman's severed neck. It had black and light blue veins. It was also seeping out. "No squid can do that."

Captain Caviars heart nearly skipped a beat. It can't be. It...Can't...

Fucking hell. He knows.

"Do you really think after my encounter...someone got just as far as me? Perhaps further?"

"YES! Now do you believe me?" the captain nodded. "Yes. I do, now. And who you're pointing to... does seem correct. Do we, y'know, tell everyone who it is?"

The sailor shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe. Keep in mind it may spark more fear."

"Perhaps a meeting is required to talk about the next step. I know what she wants. And if we don't do something fast, she'll come to The Republic to feast."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2022 ⏰

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