|| fluff || valentines day ||

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! The picture above shows how he looks and basically what happens when he gives you the gift just in case you need help to visualise, I will make a version where you give him a gift also the art isn't mine ! :)

You woke up from your sleep at 10 AM surprised you actually woke up earlier because of how you slept last night, you were awake till 5 AM and since you only got 5 hours of sleep you are a bit cranky. You went on your phone seeing a message from Jessy.

Jessy: hey!
Y/n: hey Jessy!
Jessy: it's Valentine's Day, did you know that?
Y/n: oh no i had no idea at all
Jessy: well maybe you could get a gift for your crush
Y/n: nooo
Jessy: hehe
Jessy: well I'm gonna get a gift for everyone
Y/n: okay, see you later?
Jessy: see you later!

You sighed thinking Jake wasn't going to get you any thing, you both are dating and it's not that he is mean it's because he isn't familiar with Valentine's Day plus he has to focus on finding out where Hannah is, you stayed in your phone for a bit before building up enough energy to get out of bed, you groan having to get up luckily you have no work, you get dressed and lay on the couch in your apartment and go on your phone, you get messages from Jake:

Jake: y/n, we need to discuss something
Jake: y/n.
Jake: text me as soon as possible.
Y/n: what is it?
Jake: I have a surprise for you
Y/n: oh? What is it?
Jake: meet me in the path of duskwoods forest
Y/n: okay ! :)
Jake: :)

You got ready to meet up with Jake and quickly left your apartment with your phone, you had a big pocket so you fit your phone in there and walked. Once you reached you looked around and saw no one suddenly you feel a slight tap in your shoulder then you turn around to see Jake wearing his black mask and black hoodie his piercing blue eyes stared at you, "this is for you.. for Valentine's Day" he says you are a bit shocked he knows as he hands you a mini box of chocolate. He knows you like going to his house so he invited you, you both were walking to his house holding hands as you ate a chocolate from the box "mm!" You say, "these are my favourite chocolates! How did you know?" You ask "I asked Jessy." He says a bit embarrassed "Hehe! That's fine" you smile which makes Jakes heart skip a beat.

You reached his house and he opened the door, he puts his hood down and leads you to his room after you both put your shoes off "this is my room.." he walks to his computer and sits down in his chair starting to type, you lay down on his bed "mmh.. this is so comfy!" He looks at you secretly smiling under his mask "I'm glad.." he gets up and lays down next to you, he slides his hands on your hips pulling you close as he pulls his mask off setting it on the desk. He kisses your forehead and then your lips before placing his head in the crook of your neck. "You are comfy, not the bed" he says gently leaving a sweet smile on your face and his face.

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