She Doesn't Have Much Time Left...

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

"Y/n, why is it that you hide why you're here from others?" The doctor asked the girl as they played out in the garden. Y/n looked up from the flowers in the flower bed.

"It's simple. If I tell others, than they may make up stories similar to mine. But if that happens, than one day when someone truly needs help, the doctors won't believe them because of me." Y/n told him. They were alone with one another, so she had no reason to hide anything. She didn't feel the need to hide the truth from the man anymore. He'd nearly given up asking to help her. Though he's by her side now, so that's all that really matters. Sure in the other future, she wasn't technically alone..., but all that she really had was Rei..., even then, Rei wasn't the best person to talk to about these kinds of things. She treats her like a child. She has a hard time believing anything that she tells her. So having Dr. Yuri by her side now, someone that believes and understands her. It wasn't as lonely anymore.

"You've thought a lot about this..." Yuri spoke. Y/n nodded as she looked back down at the flowers. 

"In the other future..., where you weren't with me..." Y/n started. Yuri was shocked that she was giving something away.

"There's a man that'll need medical attention... but because I spread the story to one of the others..., people started making up stories about how they're going to die... because of that..., the man wasn't believed and he ended up passing away the next morning..." Y/n told the man. Yuri was shocked. She really was young, yet she knew what would happen, she took precautions in order to avoid it. Now no one truly knows why she's there except for certain doctors. Even then, she never tells them that she's going to die.

She's still considered the angel of the hospital. The girl is always getting visitors, whether it be from patients or from doctors. They all see her as a little light within the place, even if they don't understand why she's there. Y/n plays her part well. She loves the attention from other people, she loves helping them figure things out. In fact, some of the patients were even able to leave because of her. She'd helped them so much that they no longer believed that they needed medical attention. Some patients were even healed from near insanity by her angelic words.

Yuri saw things differently though. She knew things about them that they might not even know about themselves. Things that they'd all shared with her in another time period. Another future that she'd completely avoided. From all those stories that she'd heard, she picked up on parts that were true and those that were fake. She helped them through what they were going through, and because of that, they no longer had to beat themselves up over certain things. She was truly the angel within the hospital. A girl that nearly knew all, someone that could help a patient better than a doctor.


"Rei-san!" Y/n shouted as she was allowed out of the hospital to meet the woman. Rei held a gentle smile on her face. Now that she had a part understanding of the strange two within the hospital, she recognized that the girl was either there to help her, or to make a friend. Of course, who's to say that it couldn't be both.

"It's nice to see you again, Y/n" Rei told the girl as she placed a gentle hand on the girl's head. Y/n chuckled at the woman's greeting. 

"Oh? What's that?" Y/n spoke as she noticed letters in the woman's hand. 

"Oh these, they're letters from my son..." Rei told the girl. She noticed Y/n's face slightly grow darker at the mention of him. "He's young like you, of course, he's a lot older than you now. He sends me letters almost every day." Rei told the girl with a smile. Y/n smiled back at the woman. The two had grown closer over a period of time. Something that Y/n couldn't wait to happen. She loved this woman like she was her own mother. They'd only be together for a short period of time, but she was a bright side to her dark story.

"I see, is he nice?" Y/n asked the woman. Rei smiled at the girl's question. 

"He's can be a bit aloof at times, just like you Y/n, but he is very nice. He just has a hard time showing it some times." Rei told the girl. 

"He's..., like me?" Y/n asked the woman. She hadn't heard that before. She didn't really get to talk about he son much in the other future. 

"Mhmm, in fact, the two of you are so similar, it can be hard to tell the two of you apart sometimes." Rei told the girl with a small chuckle at the girl's flabbergasted face.

"Woah..., Rei-san..., would it be possible for me..., to meet him?" Y/n asked the woman. Rei flinched at the question. It'd been a while since she'd allowed her family to visit her... maybe it was time she allowed them. She was still frightened to the core by her husband..., but Shoto..., maybe it was time that she allowed him to pay her a visit.

" I don't see why not." Rei told the girl with a smile. Y/n's eyes widened and shined brightly at the woman's words. She'd never got to meet anyone from Rei's family in the other future. She'd never even known that she had a large family. 

As the girl was off in her own little world. Rei looked up towards the doctor by her side. The man looked saddened and worried as he watched the girl. The roots in her hair had become even more noticeable, there was no way that others hadn't noticed it.

As he looked over towards the woman, he'd noticed her staring. He gave her a saddened look, before looking back towards the little girl. He whispered to her so that Y/n couldn't hear.

"I'm afraid that visit will have to happen sooner than later. She doesn't have much time..." Yuri told the woman. Rei's eyes widened in horror at the man's words. She watched as the man went over to the girl and ushered her back inside. The woman watched the two with pity. The girl..., the angel within the hospital..., who would have thought that the world would take such a wonderful girl from them...

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