i. flowery smiles

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Lupe looked into the mirror, and she saw the small and faint scars of what had happened a couple of weeks ago. She still couldn't believe that happened to her around the same time Scott got bit, but she just shrugged it off as she had always done with things that seemed important enough. Xiomara didn't even know about the semi-unusual things that had been happening to her. Like her dead-as-could-be plant that had come back alive again after she had wished it was still alive.

But even after that, she wanted to know for sure that it was because of her that caused it and the other little plants to live again. She didn't want Mara, Derek, even Scott, and Stiles to worry about her. To her everyone else's, problems seemed bigger than her own. Being able to bring plants back to life didn't seem much of a problem than turning into a werewolf on every full moon. So ever since that day, she stayed quiet about it. 

She had gotten dressed after tracing the small and big scars one last time. She was on the way to the hospital to check and see how Lydia was doing since Mara seemed to be busier and busier with 'her and Derek' stuff. And other than how worried she was with MAra, She was worried about Lydia way more, she didn't seem like herself in some ways and every time she asked, Lydia would put on a fake smile and say she was fine so she left it alone. 

She knew Stiles would be there like he always was, so she packed some soup her mother made for him to eat, then she was off in her green Volkswagen beetle. As she got to the hospital and checked in, she saw Stiles in the hallway at the vending machine, "Stiles!" she smiled and ran up to him, "Hey Lupe" he said putting his quarters in the machine, putting the numbers in.

 "I got you some soup, well my mom made it. She said it'll taste better than the food here, and all the junk food you might have eaten while staying here all night and day, which by the way, you shouldn't be doing. We could take turns staying here watching over Lydia, she's my friend too-" She spoke in what seemed like one breath but was multiple breaths had stopped only when she saw him pushing the button and getting angry at the machine, "Seriously?" he mumbled.

Lupe helped Stiles rock the machine back and forth after the failed attempt to move it and pick it up, in which she just shook her head and facepalmed. They both stepped away when they noticed the machine was falling forward. The two teens both gasped while looking at each other before looking around to make sure no one saw them do it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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